Rachael Blackmore411日成為第一位女騎師贏得《Grand National》獎的時候,便勾起許多人對1944年由傳奇女星Elizabeth Taylor主演的《National Velvet》,並將兩位進行比較,看著她的角色Velvet Brown偽裝成為男性騎師參賽。當時的這位英美裔演員只有12歲,而幕後發生的事情往往與情節一樣令人著迷。

British-born American actress Elizabeth Taylor (1932 - 2011) as Velvet Brown in 'National Velvet', directed by Clarence Brown, 1944. (Photo by Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images)

British-born American actress Elizabeth Taylor (1932 - 2011) as Velvet Brown in 'National Velvet', directed by Clarence Brown, 1944. (Photo by Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images)

Elizabeth Taylor並不是Velvet Brown的首選

RKO開始根據30年代末,Enid Bagnold的同名小說改編電影時,年僅18歲的百老匯演員Gene Tiernay是當時的人物首選。但是後來製作被推遲了,而因要在California進行拍攝的關係,在版權賣給了MGM前,Tiernay便回到了紐約,並於1941年恢復工作。而另一位試鏡角色便是Shirley Williams

1944: British-born actress Elizabeth Taylor feeding a horse for director Clarence Brown's film 'National Velvet'. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

1944: British-born actress Elizabeth Taylor feeding a horse for director Clarence Brown's film 'National Velvet'. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)


Taylor的母親Sara主動向MGM老闆提議並堅持認為Velvet Brown是她熱愛馬術的女兒的完美角色。據說當年為了使年輕的Taylor有適合的身高而一度暫停了拍攝,而據這位演員說,是她自己的想長高才拍的。她在J Randy Taraborrelli 2006年《Elizabeth》傳記中說:「在三個月內,我長高了三寸。」那種堅定或可說是固執的精神,就像她眼睛的顏色一樣,對她來說是她重要的一部分。

Jackie Jenkins, Elizabeth Taylor, and Mickey Rooney riding horseback in a scene from the film 'National Velvet', 1944. (Photo by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/Getty Images)

Jackie Jenkins, Elizabeth Taylor, and Mickey Rooney riding horseback in a scene from the film 'National Velvet', 1944. (Photo by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/Getty Images)


一個於荷里活有保證的發展並不是年輕的TaylorNational Velvet大片中奪得的唯一東西。在拍攝過程中,她從馬上摔下來,並摔斷了腰部,這件事使她一生都受到脊柱問題的困擾。電影中從馬身上摔下來的聲音看起來像是特技動作,但這其實是一個真實的摔倒。

1944, American actor Mickey Rooney, British born actor Elizabeth Taylor and American actor Anne Revere (1903 - 1990) sit at a dinner table in a still from the film 'National Velvet' directed by Clarence Brown. (Photo by MGM Studios/Getty Images)

1944, American actor Mickey Rooney, British born actor Elizabeth Taylor and American actor Anne Revere (1903 - 1990) sit at a dinner table in a still from the film 'National Velvet' directed by Clarence Brown. (Photo by MGM Studios/Getty Images)

National Velvet 標誌著令人愉快的開始

儘管發生了意外事故,但這位年輕的演員還是電影中與她出演的那匹馬形成了緊密的聯繫。在整個製作過程中都再三要求想要留著命為King Charles的馬匹,然而Taylor的願望最終在Louis B Mayer的幫助下達成了,在她的13歲生日時便收到了這匹馬作為生日禮物。它成為了Taylor演員生涯裡眾多禮物中的第一份。

Elizabeth Taylor in wardrobe test for the film 'National Velvet', 1944. (Photo by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/Getty Images)

Elizabeth Taylor in wardrobe test for the film 'National Velvet', 1944. (Photo by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/Getty Images)

Elizabeth Taylor 確保自己與角色相似

這位年輕的演員清晰理解如何在這個角色中表現出她無與倫比的美麗。 在戲中Velvet要讓Mickey Rooney為她理髮,目的是裝扮成為男騎師,而導演Clarence Brown希望能剪掉Taylor自己的頭髮,而非假髮。 ElizabethSara獲取了MGM的美髮師Sydney Guilaroff的建議,她為Taylor設計了兩個假髮,一個是讓Rooney剪的複製品頭髮,另一個是銀幕上用到的男孩氣假髮。毋庸置疑,Talor欺騙了Brown,待拍攝結束後,她便立即摘下了這個假短髮。

Elizabeth Taylor (12 years old)on the film set of 'National Velvet' , directed by Clarence Brown in 1944. (Photo by API/GAMMA/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

Elizabeth Taylor (12 years old)on the film set of 'National Velvet' , directed by Clarence Brown in 1944. (Photo by API/GAMMA/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)


由於她在《National Velvet》上的迷人表現,TaylorMGM那獲得了一份可觀的合同,並將會永遠改變她的生活。根據傳記中提到,Taylor後來稱該協議為「奴隸制」,並表示,如果她了解這將對她的生活產生如此持久的影響,那麼當初便不會想為電影增高了。

Actress Elizabeth Taylor with puppies in a scene from the movie "National Velvet" (Photo by Donaldson Collection/Getty Images)

Actress Elizabeth Taylor with puppies in a scene from the movie "National Velvet" (Photo by Donaldson Collection/Getty Images)


儘管當年的Taylor離成為新娘還有一段長路要走,但National Velvet的演出使Elizabeth接觸了未來的姐夫。Carl Eleanor Goldbogen曾是影片中的場景人物,後來當Taylor嫁給了Carl的兄弟Avrom Goldbogen後,他們便成為了Taylor的親戚。但好境不常,在1957年的婚禮之後的13個月,Taylor的丈夫便死於一場飛機失事。Taylor在最後一次採訪中說到他是自己一生的摯愛。

Elizabeth Taylor (1932-2011), British actress, wearing a green sleeveless low-cut dress, with a white fur wrap on the arm of the armchair in which she sits, circa 1950. (Photo by Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images)

Elizabeth Taylor (1932-2011), British actress, wearing a green sleeveless low-cut dress, with a white fur wrap on the arm of the armchair in which she sits, circa 1950. (Photo by Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images)

Elizabeth的《National Velvet》遺產延續至今

儘管影片獲得了5項奧斯卡提名,而Anne Revere獲得了最佳女配角獎杯,但Taylor並沒有因其角色獲得承認。然而,National Velvet仍然是她最受人尊敬和長青的作品之一。 2003年,National Velvet成為Taylor第一部被國會圖書館選中並提交給美國國家電影登記局作永久保存,這意味著這個歷久不衰的家族經典被認定為文化,歷史及美學上的重大創作。Taylor透過《Butterfield 8》和《Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?》分別於19611967年獲得了兩個奧斯卡金像獎。


原文轉載自 英國版Vogue