

Tilda Swinton in Chanel Haute Couture. Tilda Swinton walks the red carpet ahead of the movie "The Human Voice" at the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 03, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stefania D'Alessandro/WireImage,)

Tilda Swinton in Chanel Haute Couture. Tilda Swinton walks the red carpet ahead of the movie "The Human Voice" at the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 03, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stefania D'Alessandro/WireImage,)

關於Tilda Swinton的手持金色面具

來到第二日,Tilda Swinton出席自己主演的《The Human Voice》的首映禮,自然是女王氣場全開。一貫的俐落髮型換上Chanel 高級訂製白色長袍,再度拿出第二款金色面具!這個備受關注的面具實際出自設計師James Merry,以威尼斯雷亞托橋下的水中生物為靈感,將珍珠和黃金結合在一起打造手持式面具。

James Merry也是以前衛造型著稱的冰島歌姬Björk的共同創意總監,Björk多年來的造型中都包含了藝術感十足的面部裝飾,都是出自James Merry的刺繡藝術技巧和設計才能。


Tilda Swinton in Chanel Haute Couture, and mask from James Merry.

Tilda Swinton in Chanel Haute Couture, and mask from James Merry.

紅毯下,Tilda Swinton的私服怎能缺少最愛的Haider Ackermann?在威尼斯影展風光明媚的日常街頭,Tilda Swinton穿上Haider Ackermann 2019春夏的綠色睡袍質感上衣,搭配同品牌柔軟舒適的長褲。

第二套檸檬綠西裝同樣出自Haider Ackermann,Tilda Swinton無人能敵的中性魅力外加女王氣場和從容優雅,讓一旁的名導演Pedro Almodóvar都顯得「小鳥依人」。

Tilda Swinton in Haider Ackermann. Tilda Swinton is seen arriving at the Excelsior during the 77th Venice Film Festival on September 03, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Matteo Chinellato/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Tilda Swinton in Haider Ackermann. Tilda Swinton is seen arriving at the Excelsior during the 77th Venice Film Festival on September 03, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Matteo Chinellato/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Tilda Swinton in Haider Ackermann. Pedro Almodovar and Tilda Swinton are seen arriving at the 77th Venice Film Festival on September 03, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stephane Cardinale - Corbis/GC Images,)

Tilda Swinton in Haider Ackermann. Pedro Almodovar and Tilda Swinton are seen arriving at the 77th Venice Film Festival on September 03, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stephane Cardinale - Corbis/GC Images,)

環保紅毯女王Cate Blanchett

即使戴上口罩也不會埋沒Cate Blanchett的風光,Cate Blanchette的黑白珠片禮服其實來自Esteban Cortazar 2016春夏系列,早在她2015年參加《Carol》首映禮時便穿過。Cate Blanchette一向有「永不出錯的紅毯女王」的美譽,這條禮服也成為了凸顯出Cate Blanchette女王氣場的經典造型之一。

舊禮服重穿,無疑是影星們可以對可持續時尚做出的點點貢獻。除了Cate Blanchette外,Jennifer Anniston、Gwyneth Paltrow也經常穿出自己的經典造型,提倡環保的同時還能證明年華逝去魅力仍在,有何壞處?

Cate Blanchette in Esteban Cortazar

Cate Blanchette in Esteban Cortazar

Cate Blanchett 2015年出席倫敦BFI London Film Festival "Carol" 的放映會。禮服來自Esteban Cortazar 2016春夏系列 (Photo by Karwai Tang/WireImage)

Cate Blanchett 2015年出席倫敦BFI London Film Festival "Carol" 的放映會。禮服來自Esteban Cortazar 2016春夏系列 (Photo by Karwai Tang/WireImage)

Venezia77 Jury President Cate Blanchett walks the red carpet ahead of the Opening Ceremony and the "Lacci" red carpet during the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 02, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)

Venezia77 Jury President Cate Blanchett walks the red carpet ahead of the Opening Ceremony and the "Lacci" red carpet during the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 02, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)

而在出席《Amants》首映禮時,Cate Blanchett再穿舊衣,將Alexander McQueen 2016春夏系列的花卉手工刺繡上衣重新搭配。這件作品上次曝光是在2016年的BAFTA,當時Cate Blanchett穿著這件上衣搭配華麗的羽毛長裙,這次則是換上幹練的長褲與禮服外套。

2020 vs 2016: Cate Blanchett in Alexander McQueen Spring/Summer 2016.

2020 vs 2016: Cate Blanchett in Alexander McQueen Spring/Summer 2016.

Venezia77 Jury President Cate Blanchett walks the red carpet ahead of the movie "Amants" at the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 03, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stephane Cardinale - Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)

Venezia77 Jury President Cate Blanchett walks the red carpet ahead of the movie "Amants" at the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 03, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stephane Cardinale - Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)

除了兩位影后外,紅毯上仍然有新生代女星的身影。Victoria’s Secret 的名模Taylor Hill仍然前來參加紅毯,以驕人的身材艷壓群星,也維持了影展紅毯都有名模風光的傳統。Taylor Hill兩日都以Etro的禮服登場,並搭配Chopard的高級珠寶,十分耀眼。


Taylor Hill wearing Etro and Chopard. Taylor Hill walks the red carpet ahead of the movie "Amants" at the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 03, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Elisabetta A. Villa/WireImage,)

Taylor Hill wearing Etro and Chopard. Taylor Hill walks the red carpet ahead of the movie "Amants" at the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 03, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Elisabetta A. Villa/WireImage,)

Taylor Hill wearing Etro and Chopard. Taylor Hill walks the red carpet ahead of the Opening Ceremony and the "Lacci" red carpet during the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 02, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stephane Cardinale - Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)

Taylor Hill wearing Etro and Chopard. Taylor Hill walks the red carpet ahead of the Opening Ceremony and the "Lacci" red carpet during the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 02, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stephane Cardinale - Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)

另外一位優雅的身影是法國女演員Stacy Martin,禮服、私服及高級珠寶都由Louis Vuitton一手包辦。成名於《女性癮者》,曾參演的劇情片《戰前童年》在72屆威尼斯影展就獲得新銳導演和最佳導演兩個獎項。她亦屬於「仙系美人」,略帶頹廢氣質的她在一眾90後女演員中極具辨識度。

Stacy Martin in Louis Vuitton Fall/Winter 2020

Stacy Martin in Louis Vuitton Fall/Winter 2020

Stacy Martin in Louis Vuitton Cruise 2020

Stacy Martin in Louis Vuitton Cruise 2020


與香港導演許鞍華共同獲得至高榮譽——終身成就金獅獎的影后Tilda Swinton率先到達威尼斯,一身啡色的Chanel 2020 Resort系列的風衣造型顯得格外矚目。一向我行我素的Tilda Swinton更在坐船時做出黑豹的標誌動作,向日前因癌症逝世的男演員Chadwick Boseman致敬。

到了晚上的開幕禮及意大利電影《Lacci》的首映,Tilda Swinton換上另一身Chanel黑白禮服,手持金色蝴蝶面具及口罩,難掩「仙氣」。眾所週知,精靈女王Tilda Swinton的紅毯造型一直由Chanel或是Haider Ackermann「壟斷」,兩者都能與Tilda的靈氣相得益彰。

在開幕之夜的首映會上,評審團主席Cate Blanchett更親自為Tilda Swinton頒發終身成就獎,實現了兩位影視界女王級的人物同台畫面,場面讓人振奮。

Actress Tilda Swinton walks the red carpet ahead of the Opening Ceremony and the "Lacci" red carpet during the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 02, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Daniele Venturelli/WireImage,)

Actress Tilda Swinton walks the red carpet ahead of the Opening Ceremony and the "Lacci" red carpet during the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 02, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Daniele Venturelli/WireImage,)

Tilda Swinton attends the Opening Ceremony during the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 02, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Daniele Venturelli/WireImage,)

Tilda Swinton attends the Opening Ceremony during the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 02, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Daniele Venturelli/WireImage,)

Tilda Swinton (R) is awarded with the the Golden Lion Lifetime achievement by jury president Cate Blanchett (L) at the Opening Ceremony during the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 02, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Daniele Venturelli/WireImage,)

Tilda Swinton (R) is awarded with the the Golden Lion Lifetime achievement by jury president Cate Blanchett (L) at the Opening Ceremony during the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 02, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Daniele Venturelli/WireImage,)



出席紅毯的嘉賓都配戴口罩,只在被要求拍照時才會取下,會場內的座位也完全遵循社交距離。Cate Blanchett更俏皮地與導演Alberto Barbera示範如何用手肘打招呼,十分有2020年的特點。

Jury Members Joanna Hogg, Matt Dillon, Christian Petzold, Veronika Franz, Director of 77 Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica w Venezia77 Jury President Cate Blanchett and Ludivine Sagnier walk the red carpet ahead of the Opening Ceremony and the "Lacci" red carpet during the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 02, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stephane Cardinale - Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)

Jury Members Joanna Hogg, Matt Dillon, Christian Petzold, Veronika Franz, Director of 77 Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica w Venezia77 Jury President Cate Blanchett and Ludivine Sagnier walk the red carpet ahead of the Opening Ceremony and the "Lacci" red carpet during the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 02, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Stephane Cardinale - Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)

Director of the Venice Film Festival Alberto Barbera and Venezia77 Jury President Cate Blanchett walk the red carpet ahead of the Opening Ceremony and the "Lacci" red carpet during the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 02, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Daniele Venturelli/WireImage,)

Director of the Venice Film Festival Alberto Barbera and Venezia77 Jury President Cate Blanchett walk the red carpet ahead of the Opening Ceremony and the "Lacci" red carpet during the 77th Venice Film Festival at on September 02, 2020 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Daniele Venturelli/WireImage,)