
  1. 遺傳:家族遺傳及種族因素造成肌膚表皮的黑色素較多,累積成黑眼圈。

  2. 年齡:隨著年齡增長,眼周的肌膚變薄,皮膚底下的深色血管就更容易顯現、導致黑眼圈。

  3. 睡眠不足:健康的成年人每晚需要睡7至9個小時。睡眠不足會使肌膚暗沉蒼白,讓眼睛下方帶有黑色素的組織和血管更容易被看到。

  4. 貧血:當紅血球不足時,眼部肌膚的循環也會跟著變差,代謝變慢造成眼部色素沉澱。

  5. 吸煙:吸煙會刺激眼睛造成結膜及眼眶充血現象,尼古丁的成分也會造成肌膚老化與暗沉。

  6. 甲狀腺功能低下:甲狀腺出現問題後,眼睛的變化特別明顯,譬如浮腫、黑眼圈都會出現。

  7. 過敏:過敏時人體會釋放組織胺對抗細菌,這會使血管擴張而產生黑眼圈;另外,過敏讓人會忍不住一直揉眼睛,這動作也會導致黑眼圈的症狀更惡化。

  8. 日曬過多:紫外線會促進黑色素的生成,當防曬不足,當然會讓黑眼圈更嚴重。

  9. 濕疹:過敏體質常見的眼皮溼疹,會造成血管型黑眼圈。

Vogue, December 01, 1958 - A model stands in a model kitchen that was designed by Tom Yee, wearing a knee-length cotton dress, buttoned at the straps and belted in pink at the waist, featuring a print of yellow/white/pink flowers on reddish-pink; by Haymaker. Styled with Mary Grey stockings and pink silk sandals by Julianelli. She is cooking on a portable island counter of Formica and willow-wood; by Fashionwood cabinets and made by Curtis Industries. Above the island hangs a light of blue-and-white Venetian glass by Venini. Venini is also the source of the multicolor-stripe stained glass panel on the back wall (behind model) and the blue glass bottles on the island. The model is preparing a salad in a large teakwood salad bowl with a teakwood fork and spoon, all by Bonniers. She is reaching toward a pewter-lined brass chafing dish from Hong Kong. (Karen Radkai/Conde Nast via Getty Images)

Vogue, December 01, 1958 - A model stands in a model kitchen that was designed by Tom Yee, wearing a knee-length cotton dress, buttoned at the straps and belted in pink at the waist, featuring a print of yellow/white/pink flowers on reddish-pink; by Haymaker. Styled with Mary Grey stockings and pink silk sandals by Julianelli. She is cooking on a portable island counter of Formica and willow-wood; by Fashionwood cabinets and made by Curtis Industries. Above the island hangs a light of blue-and-white Venetian glass by Venini. Venini is also the source of the multicolor-stripe stained glass panel on the back wall (behind model) and the blue glass bottles on the island. The model is preparing a salad in a large teakwood salad bowl with a teakwood fork and spoon, all by Bonniers. She is reaching toward a pewter-lined brass chafing dish from Hong Kong. (Karen Radkai/Conde Nast via Getty Images)


  1. 番茄:番茄裡的茄紅素可保護血管並促進血液循環,改善血管型黑眼圈,另外,茄紅素的抗氧化力是維他命E的100倍,所以多吃還能預防子宮頸癌和心血管疾病等。

  2. 黃瓜:小黃瓜富含多樣抗氧化成分,例如葫蘆素(cucurbitacins)、牡荊黃素(vitexin)、葒草素(orientin),更不用說維生素C與K,這些都有助淡化眼周的黑色素沉澱。

  3. 芝麻:很多人講到芝麻會想到可以讓頭髮變黑,但少人知道它能改善黑眼圈吧!芝麻裡豐富的維他命E可對眼球及眼肌產生滋養效果,進而緩解黑眼圈的形成。

  4. 深色莓果:深色莓果如藍莓,黑醋栗和黑莓中含有花青素,這也是一種抗氧化劑,可以改善眼睛附近的血液循環,供給足夠的氧氣和養分。

  5. 西瓜:西瓜裡有保養眼睛的抗氧化物β-胡蘿蔔素,所以如果是不喜歡吃紅蘿蔔的人,建議可以多吃西瓜有明目的效力。

  6. 海帶:如果是因為貧血造成的黑眼圈,可以多吃海帶,裡面豐富的鐵質可促使紅血球的增加,同時增加血液輸送氧分和營養的能力,其他含鐵質豐富的食物還有動物肝、瘦肉等。

  7. 芹菜:芹菜可以調節內分泌和血液循環,有助淡化黑眼圈,如果是眼睛容易水腫的人也可以多吃芹菜。同時,它也對預防高血壓、動脈硬化都十分有益。

  8. 柑橘:柑橘中含有非常豐富的抗氧化元素,包含維生素C、葉酸、其它維生素及礦物質對健康也非常有益,所以多吃柑橘類食物,除了可以美白,抗老,對抗黑眼圈也很有用。

  9. 綠茶:看電腦手機時間長的人非常推薦多喝綠茶,裡面含有多酚能抑制自由基,幫肌膚抗氧化。兒茶素則能幫身體代謝,對睡眠也有幫助,可以提升睡眠質量,自然能改善黑眼圈的問題。
