Millie Bobby Brown

年紀少少的Millie Bobby Brown卻擁有龐大的事業目標,不只是SAG提名人,更加以妝容來親身示範其個人品牌Florence by Mills。深色中間分界髮型令她的膚色更白皙,配以簡單的啡色煙燻眼妝和裸粉色唇膏,抹走濃妝下的她回復年輕氣息,而且這個妝容可應用於日常生活上。

Lupita Nyong’o

每次Lupita Nyong’o的出現也會為人帶來不少驚喜,今次她也沒有令人失望。以黑灰為眼影底色,加上把銀色眼線畫在眼尾點綴,整體散發出末來感。配以黑色和bling bling閃石指甲,相當配襯她一身鑽飾造型,做出華麗風格。

Margot Robbie

要講紅地毯上以裸妝示人的代表,今次的代表一定是Margot Robbie。簡單的髮髻加上淡粉色胭脂和裸色唇,整體做出一種和諧而舒適的感覺。

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 19: Actress Nicole Kidman attends the 26th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards at The Shrine Auditorium on January 19, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Chelsea Guglielmino/Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 19: Actress Nicole Kidman attends the 26th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards at The Shrine Auditorium on January 19, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Chelsea Guglielmino/Getty Images)

Nicole Kidman以紅唇搶鏡,塗上鮮紅色唇膏增加豔麗感,配襯她那金色側分曲髮造型,更加顯得女人味。

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 19: (L-R) Charlize Theron and Brad Pitt attend the 26th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards at The Shrine Auditorium on January 19, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. 721336 (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for Turner)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 19: (L-R) Charlize Theron and Brad Pitt attend the 26th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards at The Shrine Auditorium on January 19, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. 721336 (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for Turner)

Charlize Theron

今次在SAG上,Charlize Theron散發出一種高貴感,她梳起貼服的髮髻,加上啡調眼影加深眼部輪廓,再配以裸色珠光唇膏。冷豔之中又不失溫暖,仿如不吃人間煙火的精靈。

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 19: Scarlett Johansson attends the 26th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards at The Shrine Auditorium on January 19, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 19: Scarlett Johansson attends the 26th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards at The Shrine Auditorium on January 19, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images)

Scarlett Johansson

今年可說是Scarlett Johansson大豐收的一年,其《婚姻故事》得到不少獎項提名和好評。而她出席SAG,用上標誌性的亮眼橙唇色,令面色更加明亮,膚色更白。加上all back半髮髻,做出一種強悍的性感。