我們今次請來的專業人士包括 Indulgence Salon 創意造型師 Ilya Yurlov及創意總監 Rebecca Schmieg,Hair Culture 技術總監 Roy Wong。讓他們解答了大家非常關心的問題,到底如何染出屬於亞洲人美麗的金髮,像超模 Soo Joo Park 或是@thehautepursuit 的 It-girl Vanessa Hong。

Photo: Imaxtree

Photo: Imaxtree



  • Indulgence Salon 創意總監 Rebecca Schmieg:由於一開始已經是一個較深的底色,所以你不只是需要把頭髮漂淺到一定的程度,從而打開頭髮角質層。在漂髮時,你亦同時需要處理頭髮的深色底部。
  • Hair Culture 技術總監 Roy Wong:進行漂染時,亞洲人的頭髮或是深色的頭髮色素會穿過黑色、啡色、紅色、橙色、黃色及淺黃色。紅色色素是最難漂淺的,因此很多人會遇上頭髮變橙的時候,最後頭髮會變成黃色,因為最初的療程不足以把頭髮漂淺。


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  • Roy Wong:如果膚色較蒼白或是屬於冷色,染上灰金、薄荷金、薰衣草金、珍珠金的色調都會很好看。膚色暖色的適合染成金色、玫瑰金和蜜桃金的色調。
  • Indulgence Salon 創意造型師 Ilya Yurlov:要視乎不同因素,例如現在髮質、預算、客人能不能妥善打理頭髮。



  • Rebecca Schmieg:若果你想要一個全白金色,便需要多次漂染,通常一天內可完成,就能做到最純淨的淺霧灰金。若果你是想做挑染,然後比自己本來的髮色染淺兩至三度,這樣的話,兩至三次的預約就能有最佳效果。
  • Roy Wong:視乎需要什麼技巧,例如鋁泊染髮、束挑、漸層等。
Photo: Imaxtree

Photo: Imaxtree



  • Ilya Yurlov:調色劑主要作用是去除髮黃或是橙紅調,這些都有機會在漂染過的頭髮上出現。大部份的調色劑都是半永久,所以不會對頭髮造成傷害。它提亮了漂染效果,是整個過程的最後一步。


  • Purple Shampoo: 

「香港的水有大量氯氣,會令頭髮變黃,所以紫色洗髮水和護髮素能夠維持自然金和灰金髮。」- Rebecca Schmieg

  • Olaplex:

「Olaplex是唯一一個療程能夠幫助頭髮在深層化學過程後重建密度。它能夠在染髮療程時、療程後、療程之間維持健康髮質。」- Rebecca Schmieg

  • Colder water for washing your hair:

用鎖色洗髮水時,應配以冷水或微暖的水。低溫有助頭髮角質層閉合,讓髮色更持久更亮麗。」- Roy Wong


  1. Olaplex No. 3 Hair Perfector; sephora.hk售價港幣280元。

Ilya,Rebecca 和Roy一致推薦

  1. Davines Alchemic Shampoo and Conditioner in Silver Fox;  shampoo.hk售價港幣 140元 及港幣170元。

「有效去除黃髮」 – Ilya and Rebecca

  1. Christophe Robin Regenerating Mask; net-a-porter.com 售價港幣479元

「完美深層滋潤受損及漂染後的秀髮」- Roy

  1. Davines NouNou Hair Mask; net-a-porter.com售價港幣150元。


  1. Living Proof Restore Perfecting Spray; Harvey Nichols有售。

「順滑髮絲、保護頭髮免受熱力傷害」- Rebecca

  1. Keratin Complex Infusion Therapy Infusion Keratin Replenisher; allbeauty.com售價港幣223元。

「造型時使用,增加頭髮角蛋白,吹乾頭髮時更順滑」- Rebecca

  1. DIY椰子油和堅果油

「我最愛的DIY秘密就是睡前用椰子油按摩頭髮,早上洗走它」- Rebecca

Olaplex No. 3 Hair Perfector; HK$280 at sephora.hk
A unanimous recommendation from Ilya, Rebecca and Roy.
Davines Alchemic Shampoo and Conditioner in Silver Fox; HK$140 and HK$170 at shampoo.hk
"To counteract yellowness and brassiness" - Ilya and Rebecca
Christophe Robin Regenerating Mask; HK$550 at hk.1010hope.com
"The perfect way to deeply nourish even the most for ultra-damaged and coloured hair" - Roy
Davines NouNou Hair Mask; HK$150 at net-a-porter.com
Recommended by Ilya.
Living Proof Restore Perfecting Spray; available at Harvey Nichols
“For detangling and heat protection” - Rebecca
Keratin Complex Infusion Therapy Infusion Keratin Replenisher; HK$223 at allbeauty.com
“For styling, to give the hair an extra boost of keratin, and help smooth while blowdrying” - Rebecca
DIY with coconut oil or argan oil
"My favourite DIY secret is massaging coconut oil into your hair before bed and washing it out in the morning" - Rebecca
Olaplex No. 3 Hair Perfector; HK$280 at sephora.hk
A unanimous recommendation from Ilya, Rebecca and Roy.
Davines Alchemic Shampoo and Conditioner in Silver Fox; HK$140 and HK$170 at shampoo.hk
"To counteract yellowness and brassiness" - Ilya and Rebecca
Christophe Robin Regenerating Mask; HK$550 at hk.1010hope.com
"The perfect way to deeply nourish even the most for ultra-damaged and coloured hair" - Roy
Davines NouNou Hair Mask; HK$150 at net-a-porter.com
Recommended by Ilya.
Living Proof Restore Perfecting Spray; available at Harvey Nichols
“For detangling and heat protection” - Rebecca
Keratin Complex Infusion Therapy Infusion Keratin Replenisher; HK$223 at allbeauty.com
“For styling, to give the hair an extra boost of keratin, and help smooth while blowdrying” - Rebecca
DIY with coconut oil or argan oil
"My favourite DIY secret is massaging coconut oil into your hair before bed and washing it out in the morning" - Rebecca
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