雖然網上對改善心理健康的建議有非常多,但是我們最終都因為無法堅持而半途而廢,從而陷入更嚴重的情緒深淵。改善心理健康不需要太複雜,《VOGUE》墨西哥版編輯​​Lorraine Meouchi以自身經歷提出五項實用而簡單的建議。 只需要在日常作息中適當融入以下習慣,就能讓我們在壓力來臨時從容面對、保持平靜和自信。



Young healthy woman practicing yoga on the beach at sunset. Body of beautiful girl in a meditation on the beach. Lifestyle woman yoga exercise and pose for healthy life. Welness background. Spa concept.

Young healthy woman practicing yoga on the beach at sunset. Body of beautiful girl in a meditation on the beach. Lifestyle woman yoga exercise and pose for healthy life. Welness background. Spa concept.


雖然HIT有很多好處,但是我無法在感到壓力時做有氧運動,瑜珈反而是最合適的選擇。市面上已經有很多提供瑜珈練習的APP,我最近還開始看Netflix推出的Nike Training yoga show。當我開始恢復有意識呼吸,我的睡眠質量大大提高了。

Beautiful authentic woman with short blond hair is meditating sitting in lotus position on yoga mat in front of a window. She is wearing a light-colored casual clothing. Concept of relaxation exercises

Beautiful authentic woman with short blond hair is meditating sitting in lotus position on yoga mat in front of a window. She is wearing a light-colored casual clothing. Concept of relaxation exercises


泛美大學心理學畢業生Marcela Medina曾說:「如果你無法休息,相對應的腦部活動就會減弱,你會變得更易怒,甚至出現情緒危機。」如果你是那些直到晚上12點才上床睡覺的人,我有壞消息要告訴你:專家認為此時你的身體因為沒有獲得充足睡眠,而不是100%的狀態。你便會通過各種各樣的身體症狀來表達不適,將情緒傳遞給身體。

Freshly woken up young woman enjoying the morning sun rays.

Freshly woken up young woman enjoying the morning sun rays.



Woman stick a sticker with affirmations on the mirror.

Woman stick a sticker with affirmations on the mirror.


某位心理學家曾分享:「當我為許多病人展示他們的情緒日記,他們都感到很震驚,發現自己根本不了解自己的情緒。習慣紀錄自己的情緒,就像迪士尼電影《Inside Out》的那樣。每天睡覺前,我都會在筆記本上紀錄自己的主要情緒,並描述自己在特定時刻感受到的快樂或恐懼。人們往往不清楚自己為什麼會爆發,記錄下這些情緒,有助於幫助自己意識到問題的本質。」

Creative writing at home by female hands enjoying a calm, peaceful day off indoors. Woman making notes in a journal, expressing her feelings and thoughts while making a note of a personal experience

Creative writing at home by female hands enjoying a calm, peaceful day off indoors. Woman making notes in a journal, expressing her feelings and thoughts while making a note of a personal experience