91歲的日本當代藝術家草間彌生 Yayoi Kusama 原定今年於Tate Modern展出史上最大型的《Infinity Mirror Rooms 》裝置,還未數大大小小的個人展,可是,因新冠病毒,展覽延遲至去年。草間彌生深悟藝術展覽有地域界限,因此決定寫了一首詩,回應流行病的影響,讓世界各地的信眾也能欣賞。

昨日,她在倫敦藝廊Victoria Miro的網上發佈這首在疫情下寫的詩:

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photo courtesy of Gettyimages

Though it glistens just out of reach, I continue to pray for hope to shine through

Its glimmer lighting our way

This long-awaited great cosmic glow

Now that we find ourselves on the dark side of the world

The gods will be there to strengthen the hope we have spread throughout the universe

For those left behind, each person’s story and that of their loved ones

It is time to seek a hymn of love for our souls

In the midst of this historic menace, a brief burst of light points to the future

Let us joyfully sing this song of a splendid future

Let’s go

Embraced in deep love and the efforts of people all over the world

Now is the time to overcome, to bring peace

We gathered for love and I hope to fulfil that desire

The time has come to fight and overcome our unhappiness

To Covid-19 that stands in our way

I say Disappear from this earth

We shall fight

We shall fight this terrible monster

Now is the time for people all over the world to stand up

My deep gratitude goes to all those who are already fighting.