這個「世界Emoji日」由2014年開始,為甚麼會選定這天?原來背後有一個小故事,由於在2002年蘋果於Macworld Expo上發布iCal日曆程式,成為第一個日曆的應用程式圖案,而當時日曆顯示的日期正是7月17日。隨著Emoji成為人類溝通中不可缺少的元素,去到14年定為「World Emoji Day」,然而直到現時Emoji上的日曆仍然是7月17日。


Vector illustration of a big collection of cute and colorful emoticons for social media platforms, online messaging and mobile apps, technology and business ideas and concepts, user interface projects and design projects in general. Cartoon style with flat colors and minimalistic design. Colors are global for easy editing.

Vector illustration of a big collection of cute and colorful emoticons for social media platforms, online messaging and mobile apps, technology and business ideas and concepts, user interface projects and design projects in general. Cartoon style with flat colors and minimalistic design. Colors are global for easy editing.

