Emma Watson
《Sex and World Peace》

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Happy International Women’s Day! Here’s to all the women that put themselves on the line and have broken silence around rape culture and violence against women. I am so grateful for your strong voices.⁣ ⁣ In my continuing search for answers, I feel very grateful to have encountered Sex & World Peace by Valerie M. Hudson, Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, Mary Caprioli and Chad F. Emmett and I’m excited to share it with you on International Women’s Day.⁣ ⁣ ⁣ The book reveals that so much in the state of our world: security, prosperity, development, democracy, justice and world peace is clearly dependent on and stems from how we treat women and girls. With this highly readable and extensively researched textbook, the authors encourage a holistic view when it comes to national and international relations – the whole tree, not just the branches, but the roots. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ With practical chapters on achieving positive change, the book also offers us personal and societal calls to action while emphasizing that states who have the most power to make change must centralize the concerns of women where security, legal reform and justice is at stake and this includes equality in the decision-making process. Sex & World Peace shows us how gender inequality is a form of violence that impacts everything from population growth to economies to regime type. For me, this book illuminates how we got where we are today, and along with it, a way forward.⁣ ⁣☮️??✨❤️⁣ ⁣ #sexandworldpeace #internationalwomensday @columbiauniversitypress @womanstatsproject #oursharedshelf

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眾所周知Emma Watson 出了名的書迷,也喜歡鼓勵周圍的人看書,並在#oursharedshelf 分享自己的閱讀清單。有時候還會出沒倫敦大街小巷、穿梭地鐵站人流之處放置書籍,讓有緣人能夠免費獲取閱讀,成為隔空交流書籍的快閃活動。曾任命為聯合國婦女親善大使的她,推動 HeForShe 性別平等運動更是不遺餘力,最近在國際婦女節更分享作家 Valerie Hudson 的新書《Sex and World Peace》。這本書解釋了當今世界安全、繁榮、發展、民主、正義都與如何對待婦女、女童有着息息相關的影響,必須要透過法律、司法的改革才能解決根源的問題。


Meghan Markle
《The Motivation Manifesto》

LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 09: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex meets children as she attends the Commonwealth Day Service 2020 on March 09, 2020 in London, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 09: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex meets children as she attends the Commonwealth Day Service 2020 on March 09, 2020 in London, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
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剛在官方帳號  @sussexroyal 上宣布要停用帳號,也意味着梅根和哈里王子正式展開非皇室成員的身分生活。沒有頭銜的首個工作便是迪士尼《大象》紀錄片配音,關注動物保育的議題。而私底下也是書迷,在社交帳號未關閉的時候,經常推介不同的好看書籍,而梅根認為每個人都應該讀的5本書之一《The Motivation Manifesto》,由 Brendon Burchard 著作。內容充滿詩意而有力的文字,激發讀者發揮個人力量的動力,尋找重獲新生的自由。


Natalie Portman

每次 Natalie 都會在 #WhatNatReads 分享自己閱讀過的書,最近喜歡上 Jenny Offill 的書,這本名為《Weather》主人翁 Lizzie Benson 陷入兩極化困境:左翼人士擔心氣候變化、右翼人士擔心西方文明衰落。透過周遭經歷, Lizzie 利用自己多年吸取經驗及知識來解決家庭危機,甚至國家危機。


Emma Roberts
《These Ghosts are Family》

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Emma Roberts 是出了名的書蟲,愛讀書的程度甚至開設閱讀俱樂部 Belletrist,定期會在 @Belletrist 推介每月最愛的書籍,每一本是都有看過,更會與讀者們分享他討論。三月份推介便有 《These Ghosts are Family》, 講述來自牙買加家庭的 Stanford Solomon 揭開讓人震驚的30歲秘密,完全改變了他與周圍人的生活:Stanford Solomon 真名是 Abel Paisley,卻偽造自己死亡,並且偷走最好朋友的身分存活。而是 Stanford 接近壽終正寢的時候,竟然偶遇自己的長女 Irene Paisley ,由她來照顧以為已死的父親 Stanford。

Gwyneth Paltrow
《Clean 7》

開創 Goop 網上商店後,Gwyneth 對環境保護、綠色時裝、有機護理、素食飲食、洗滌心靈等等關注密切,更早打造出崇尚自然的生活態度。而最近她喜歡由醫生 Alejandro Junger MD 所寫的《Clean 7》,教導如何一星期進行身體排毒,減輕身體累積的有害食物毒素,光靠意志力、專注力去了解自己身體結構,激活體內的排毒系統。

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