That has been my life’s work: striving to learn to make shoes that always fit and the refusal to put my name to any that do not fit. Therefore please look behind the story of the small, barefoot, unlettered boy who became a famous shoemaker, and seek the pleasure you will obtain from walking well.

Salvatore Ferragamo

這是一代鞋匠 Salvatore Ferragamo 在1957年所發行自傳《Shoemaker of dreams: the Autobiography of Salvatore Ferragamo》的序言中的最後一句話,講述設計師在無限創作的故事,而今年《Call Me By Your Name》的導演 Luca Guadagnino 將拍成長篇紀綠片在77屆威尼斯電影節上展出。

Salvatore Ferragamo 出生在意大利,家中排名第11個孩子,曾經在9歲的時候為妹妹打造出鞋履,證明自己當作製鞋學徒的夢想。因此他11歲便正式擔任學徒,在16歲的時候全家移民至美國後便與兄弟姐妹開設補鞋店舖,幫家人擺脫窮困潦倒的生活。

而 Salvatore Ferragamo 的精湛製鞋工藝得到耳口相傳,讓荷里活的劇組親自找上門來,逐漸變成明星御用的鞋匠,並在1928年的開設自己品牌,專門為Greta Garbo、Audrey Hepburn 還有 Marilyn Monroe 等巨星打造夢寐以求的鞋履。

為了製作出完美的鞋履,Salvatore Ferragamo 白天工作晚上則在 University of Southern California 學習解剖學,深入研究人體構造、化學和數學課程,也成為品牌製造出夢之鞋的秘密。

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“What is genius? How does a system begin, be it film or fashion? And how does an intense obsession with the constant search for new ideas and creation meld with tradition and family values? The life of Salvatore Ferragamo (1898-1960), a leading player and observer of the 20th century, is the answer to these questions.” – Luca Guadagnino⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Inspired by reading the Italian entrepreneur’s autobiography, Luca Guadagnino began the project of a feature-length documentary in 2017, delving into the extraordinary life and legacy of Salvatore Ferragamo. The result is a film “Salvatore, Shoemaker of Dreams", that traces the incredible journey of founder Salvatore Ferragamo, from an apprentice shoemaker in Naples to being the owner of the illustrious Hollywood Boot Shop in California, following his return to Italy and the establishment of a base in Florence, while mastering his craft and rising to success as a businessman. All this in the span of one life marked by genius and intuition, the very traits that helped him overcome the adversities he faced. “Salvatore, Shoemaker of Dreams" will premiere Out of Competition at the 77th Venice Film Festival. #BiennaleCinema2020 #Venezia77 #ShoemakerOfDreams

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因此在這部紀綠片追溯了 Salvatore Ferragamo 創造鞋履的藝術之旅,通過他所居住的意大利和美國,揭露出他的創作歷程,從學徒鞋匠到成為炙手可熱的鞋匠大師,全憑他洋溢的才華和堅韌無比的努力,克服所有困難。