
PARIS, FRANCE - JUNE 14: The Notre Dame cathedral is seen from the Montparnasse tower two months after the massive fire which ravaged the world-famous monument on June 14, 2019 in Paris, France. On Saturday, June 15, 2019 Archbishop of Paris Mgr Aupetit will celebrate the first mass at Notre-Dame de Paris since fire destroyed the roof of the famous cathedral two months ago. (Photo by Chesnot/Getty Images)

PARIS, FRANCE - JUNE 14: The Notre Dame cathedral is seen from the Montparnasse tower two months after the massive fire which ravaged the world-famous monument on June 14, 2019 in Paris, France. On Saturday, June 15, 2019 Archbishop of Paris Mgr Aupetit will celebrate the first mass at Notre-Dame de Paris since fire destroyed the roof of the famous cathedral two months ago. (Photo by Chesnot/Getty Images)

在悲愴之後,歐洲央行立即宣布將捐款900萬歐元、巴黎市政府撥款5000萬歐元以重建聖母院。令我們最欣慰的不過各大時裝帝國集團紛紛站出來承擔這個社會責任,說要令這巴黎千年的回憶重生——法國首富François-Henri Pinault即Kering開雲集團的1億歐元、隨後LVMH集團的CEO Bernard Arnault許諾捐款2億歐元、L’Oreal 集團2億歐元。一日之內,捐款總額達8.5億歐元(約74.6億港元)。

可惜,被大火侵蝕的巴黎聖母院災後重建工程確實在如火如荼的進行中,可這些重要資金的東風一直沒有到來。據法國文化部長Franck Riester透露,現時已到手的錢都是來自小額捐款(加起來約8000萬歐元)。但他表示在大多數情況下,以及現在這樣是正常的,因捐款隨着工程進行來到。法國新聞電台也解釋到,部分大額捐贈者將根據重建工程進度分批支付捐款,既可以監督工程進度,又可避免資金可能會被國家將閑置款移作他用,雙方就具體合同問題上還未達成共識。

TOPSHOT - A combination of two pictures made on April 16, 2019 shows (Up) the heart and transept at Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral in Paris on June 26, 2018 and (Bottom) the same view of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris in the aftermath one day after a fire devastated the cathedral on April 16, 2019. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN and - / AFP) (Photo credit should read LUDOVIC MARIN/AFP/Getty Images)

TOPSHOT - A combination of two pictures made on April 16, 2019 shows (Up) the heart and transept at Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral in Paris on June 26, 2018 and (Bottom) the same view of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris in the aftermath one day after a fire devastated the cathedral on April 16, 2019. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN and - / AFP) (Photo credit should read LUDOVIC MARIN/AFP/Getty Images)

根據Bloomberg的報導,法國總統Emmanuel Macron說巴黎聖母院的重建工程希望能在五年內完成,即使不少建築師說這個目標期望過高,但無疑主要捐款的延遲會再拖延整個修復進度。參加彌撒的總司Patrick Chauvet說到「聖母院確實還活著」,的確,只是再對公眾開放的日期或許因捐款取消而拖延,我們仍期望這座巴黎的神聖精神載體能早日重生。