

(NO SALES) In this Handout Image provided by Clarence House www.officialroyalwedding2011.org, Kate Middleton on the day of her graduation ceremony at St Andrew's University in St Andrew's on June 23, 2005 in Scotland.

(NO SALES) In this Handout Image provided by Clarence House www.officialroyalwedding2011.org, Kate Middleton on the day of her graduation ceremony at St Andrew's University in St Andrew's on June 23, 2005 in Scotland.

CHELTENHAM, UNITED KINGDOM - MARCH 13: Kate Middleton and Prince William attend day 1 of the Cheltenham Horse Racing Festival on March 13, 2007 in Cheltenham, England. (Photo by Indigo/Getty Images)

CHELTENHAM, UNITED KINGDOM - MARCH 13: Kate Middleton and Prince William attend day 1 of the Cheltenham Horse Racing Festival on March 13, 2007 in Cheltenham, England. (Photo by Indigo/Getty Images)

LINCOLNSHIRE, ENGLAND - APRIL 11: (NO PUBLICATION IN UK MEDIA FOR 28 DAYS) Prince William and his girlfriend Kate Middleton arrive at the Central Flying School at RAF Cranwell where Prince William received his RAF wings in a graduation ceremony, Sleaford on April 11, 2008 in Lincolnshire, England. (Photo by POOL/ Tim Graham Picture Library/Getty Images)

LINCOLNSHIRE, ENGLAND - APRIL 11: (NO PUBLICATION IN UK MEDIA FOR 28 DAYS) Prince William and his girlfriend Kate Middleton arrive at the Central Flying School at RAF Cranwell where Prince William received his RAF wings in a graduation ceremony, Sleaford on April 11, 2008 in Lincolnshire, England. (Photo by POOL/ Tim Graham Picture Library/Getty Images)

Prince William and his girlfriend Kate Middleton enjoy the rugby as England play Italy in the RBS Six Nations Championship at Twickenham. (Photo by David Davies - PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images)

Prince William and his girlfriend Kate Middleton enjoy the rugby as England play Italy in the RBS Six Nations Championship at Twickenham. (Photo by David Davies - PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images)

凱特王妃的父母原為機師和空姐,但後來經營了派對用品公司致富,把凱特送上私立貴族學校就讀。然而凱特在就讀女子貴族學校Downe House School時因為個性害羞而遭到排擠,因此凱特特別關注霸凌的社會問題,後來她轉校到Marlborough College,轉學後的凱特因為運動才能出色深受同學歡迎,成為風雲人物之一。來到愛情故事真正發生的地方 – 聖安德魯斯大學,她和威廉王子於2001年入讀並相識,但後來凱特在訪問中提及,其實在她9歲時已在學校遇上來參加友誼賽的威廉,但當時對他的印象只是滿身大汗的小男孩。


ST ANDREW'S, UNITED KINGDOM - FEBRUARY 25: Prince Willliam and Kate Middleton return to the University of St Andrews to launch a fundraising campaign on February 25, 2011 in St Andrew's, Scotland. (Photo by Rota/Anwar Hussein/Getty Images)

ST ANDREW'S, UNITED KINGDOM - FEBRUARY 25: Prince Willliam and Kate Middleton return to the University of St Andrews to launch a fundraising campaign on February 25, 2011 in St Andrew's, Scotland. (Photo by Rota/Anwar Hussein/Getty Images)

成為大學同學後,他們一直維持朋友關係,直到2003年開始拍拖,但有一個令威廉王子愛上凱特的小傳聞,當年凱特為學校慈善時裝展穿上一件性態的透視長裙,在這一剎那威廉王子才發現這位文靜的朋友其實相當具有女性魅力,並把她當作異性看待並且開始約會。後來去到2019年,威廉王子和凱特參與美食節目特輯《 A Berry Royal Christmas》的拍攝,凱特說出當時在大學時期,威廉王子為了凱特學習烹飪技巧來討她歡心,看來王子的追求技巧也是以細心為主。


在大學畢業後,凱特有一段時間沒有工作,被傳媒戲稱為「待嫁的凱特」(Waity Katie),指她一心視嫁給威廉為人生目標。可惜穩定的愛情來到2007年,他們宣布分手,據傳聞指當時在英國品牌Jigsaw工作期間,跟威廉討論了一小時電話是關於他們的未來,但在這個電話後,他們分手了。但在分手約3個月後,因為雙方也忘不了對方而復合,後來在宣布訂婚後的一個訪問中,他們提及分手一事也表示當年的他們太年輕,而分手後的日子他們也過得不好。


Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton, who has been given the title of The Duchess of Cambridge, kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, London, following their wedding at Westminster Abbey. (Photo by John Stillwell/PA Images via Getty Images)

Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton, who has been given the title of The Duchess of Cambridge, kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, London, following their wedding at Westminster Abbey. (Photo by John Stillwell/PA Images via Getty Images)
