在Marvel電影《蟻人與黃蜂女:量子狂熱 Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania》中飾演最強反派「征服者康」(Kang the Conqueror)的Jonathan Majors,算是這兩年來荷里活的當紅影星。接連出演了《洛基 Loki》、《惡魔之地 Lovecraft Country》等電影的主要角色,也被視為奧斯卡獲獎熱門人選。

Image Courtesy of Marvel Studios

Image Courtesy of Marvel Studios

但隕落就在一瞬間,Jonathan因家暴罪成,有可能面臨牢獄刑罰。而 Marvel Studios也已經將他踢出漫威宇宙,這也意味著他原本計畫參演的《復仇者聯盟Avengers: Kang Dynasty》也將換角。

TOPSHOT - US actor Jonathan Majors (C) leaves a courtroom after being found guilty of assault and harassment of his former girlfriend, at the Manhattan criminal courts in New York City on December 18, 2023. Rising Hollywood star Jonathan Majors was convicted on December 18, 2023 of assaulting and harassing his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari, prompting Marvel to drop him from a prime role in its superhero blockbusters. (Photo by Yuki IWAMURA / AFP) (Photo by YUKI IWAMURA/AFP via Getty Images)

TOPSHOT - US actor Jonathan Majors (C) leaves a courtroom after being found guilty of assault and harassment of his former girlfriend, at the Manhattan criminal courts in New York City on December 18, 2023. Rising Hollywood star Jonathan Majors was convicted on December 18, 2023 of assaulting and harassing his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari, prompting Marvel to drop him from a prime role in its superhero blockbusters. (Photo by Yuki IWAMURA / AFP) (Photo by YUKI IWAMURA/AFP via Getty Images)

Jonathan飾演的「征服者康」首次在漫威宇宙亮相是2021年上線的《洛基》系列劇集,隨後在《洛基》第二季和《蟻人與黃蜂女:量子狂熱》都有重要戲份。他參演的電影《信條 Creed III》也是一部頗為成功的商業電影,全球票房收入超過2.75億美元。


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除此之外,他出演的戲劇《雜誌夢 Magazine Dreams》也頗受好評,這部戲劇原本也將有可能幫助 Jonathan 榮獲Oscar提名。至於《復仇者聯盟Avengers: Kang Dynasty》這部以「征服者康」為主角設定的漫威電影現定於2026年5月上映,除了《復仇者聯盟Avengers: Kang Dynasty》,《復仇者聯盟6》也有他的重要戲份,但如今面臨主演缺失的情況,恐怕又要延期。