Maxime Vanhollebeke & Cynthia Cheng

Hong Kong Shifts 平台創辦人

打開 Hong Kong Shifts 的 Instagram,你會看見許多熟悉的面孔:清潔工人,小巴司機,外賣運送員等。疫情期間,這些人物仍緊守崗位努力維持城市運作,這些感動時刻,也被平台記錄下來。

「我們城市的企業文化太過注重中產階級以上的制度,在社會不同階級之間畫出層層界線。」Cynthia Cheng 如是說。「我們創辦 Hong Kong Shifts 的目的,就是為了打破這個社會障礙。」

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(2/3) Kwai (貴 – “noble”) Minibus Driver (小巴司機) Aberdeen (香港仔) ?: 06:30 – 14:30 (8 hours) “I’ve lived in Aberdeen for over 50 years. It’s an area with a great neighbourhood feel and a real sense of human connection. It’s also a very diverse neighbourhood, with people of all ages and nationalities; everyone has their own story. I grew up in a family of fishermen and left school at age 11 to start work. I had been working around the clock in the fishing industry for a long time and I barely saw my family. What a surprise when I won the Mark Six lottery, which gave me the chance to rethink my lifestyle. I decided to take the opportunity to re-train as a driver. This job allows me to be more flexible and spend more time with my family. I get along really well with my colleagues. I still remember the day after my son’s wedding banquet; we had such a great time that many of us were hungover the next day. We have a strict ‘no drink and drive’ policy, so it meant that we had to rework the whole minibus schedule!” . 「我喺香港仔住咗超過50年,呢區好有街坊feel,好有人情味。同埋呢區咩人都有,咩年紀同國家嘅人,個個都有自己嘅故事。我屋企係水上人家,我11歲之後就冇讀書,出嚟做嘢。有好長一段時間,我夜晚要去開工喺魚市場度做,好少見到屋企人。後來我竟然中咗六合彩,等我有機會諗吓點樣生活。我決定用呢個機會去轉行,學做司機。我同我啲同事相處得好好㗎,我仲記得我個仔擺酒之後嗰日,因為我哋前一晚飲到醉醺醺,我哋絕對唔可以醉酒駕駛,所以成個時間表要重新排過!」

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以關愛基層工人為平台的宗旨,Cynthia 與來自比利時的 Maxime Vanhollebeke 於去年創立 Hong Kong Shifts。二人同是全職律師,每天在香港面對繁忙及高壓的工作環境,讓他們意識到大眾嚴重遺忘基層工作人員的現象。而透過平台,不但讓他們走進了這些基層工作人員的世界,更能透過聲音、文字及影像,訴説每一個被人忽略的動人故事:例如每天上上落落、要清潔多部巴士的巴士清潔工人麗姐;每天天亮就開工的街道清潔工人芳姐;曾經三度跳海救人的天星小輪水手輝哥等。沒有了這些緊守崗位的人,相信香港也未必能每天如此快速地運作。

兩人的合作非常有默契:Cynthia 負責採訪,Maxime 負責拍攝。由於疫情,兩人覺得接觸受訪者變得特別困難。

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(2/3) Lai (麗 – “beauty”) Bus Cleaner (巴士清潔工人) Shek O (石澳) ?: 11:00 – 21:00 (10 hours) “I moved to Hong Kong from Canton about 20 years ago. I have done many jobs – I’ve worked in a watch factory, worked for the Housing Department as a cleaner, been a nanny on school buses, I’ve even sold newspapers….I’m 61 years old and hope to continue working for another few years. This job is not too strenuous, but I just have to walk up and down stairs a lot! Whenever I have a break I just rest here at the bus terminus. No one really chats with me around here – people are often just glued to their phones and video games these days!” . 「我差唔多廿年前喺廣東落嚟香港。我做過好多工㗎,喺間鐘錶廠做過,喺房屋署做過清潔工,做過校巴保姆,連賣報紙都做過。我今年61歲,仲想做多幾年嘢呀。呢份工唔算辛苦,不過就要成日上上落落囉﹗休息嗰陣我會喺總站呢度抖下,冇乜人會同我傾計㗎,啲人而家成日望住個電話同埋打機﹗」

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「所有人都帶着口罩,人與人之間的關係就自然變得更加疏離。」Maxime 表示。「正因如此, 我們更需要努力在當中建立更緊密的聯繫。」Cynthia 堅定地說。兩人都建議大家在這困難的時候在日常生活中多行一步。簡單如點點頭打招呼,我們都可以讓基層工人不會感到那麼孤單,人間總是有情的。

平台運作超過一年,但採訪最大的難關,仍然是尋找適合的受訪者。「有趣的是,大多數的受訪者都是我們在街上不期而遇的。」Cynthia 補充。而極度有限的採訪時間更是另一大挑戰:「我們每次訪問連拍攝通常只能有約20分鐘,這正正反映了受訪者無比的生活壓力。他們的休息時間可以説接近零,還怎麼騰出精神、時間和空間跟我們聊天呢?他們願意和我們共度20分鐘的時間,對我們來說已經是 一份極珍貴的分享。」Maxime 進一步解說。

Hong Kong Shifts與其他慈善機構合作也是 Cynthia 和 Maxime 的重點任務。為了展示慈善機構對社會另一方面幫助,Hong Kong Shifts 每月都會刊出一個獨特的人物專訪,細訴這些慈善機構怎樣默默地關愛和幫助每一個微弱的基層市民。「希望這些小故事讓更多人明白這些慈善機構的付出是真實而有意義。」Cynthia 說。

談到機構的未來,Cynthia 與 Maxime 同聲表示:「 提高關愛意識才是改變社會的第一步。」

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(2/3) Fong (芳 – “fragrant”) Street Cleaner (清道夫) Shau Kei Wan (筲箕灣) ?: 07:00 – 17:00 (10 hours) “I grew up in Tai Po ( 大埔), in the New Territories. My family were fishermen and not well educated. For people like me, you know, people who are not cultured or well-read, there are limited options as to what we can do. This job allows me to see how wasteful we can all be – we just throw all sorts of things out and create so much waste. But then on the other hand, we also cling on to stuff for years even when we have no real reason to. How much stuff do you really need anyway? Sometimes it’s good to let go when it is time to! I live in Shau Kei Wan, so during my lunch hour I can go home to eat and have a little break. People are generally friendly in this neighbourhood and it’s lovely to hear people say “good morning” to me or smile at me. There are of course others who are rude and look down on us, maybe because they think that this line of work is “dirty” or not respectable. I just ignore them; it’s better to focus on the positives!” . . 「我喺新界嗰邊大嘅,喺大埔。我屋企以前係做漁民,冇乜讀過書。你知啦,好似我哋呢啲沒乜文化嘅人,冇咩工作可以揀。呢份工令我睇到我哋可以有幾浪費。我哋乜鬼嘢都掉,製造咗好多垃圾。但另一方面,我哋又會唔知點解死攬住一啲嘢唔放。其實究竟需要幾多嘢呢?有時放手都係一件好事﹗我住喺筲箕灣,所以放飯嗰陣我可以返屋企食,抖下。呢個區啲人都幾友善嘅,佢哋同我講早晨或者對我微笑嗰陣,我都好開心。當然都會有啲冇禮貌嘅人,會睇低我哋,可能佢哋覺得我哋嘅工作好污糟又或者呢行係啲唔好嘅工作。我唔理佢哋㗎,諗多啲好嘢會開心啲﹗」

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