當初 Gero von Boehm 拍攝有關於 Helmut Newton 的紀錄片便引來兩極化的聲音,畢竟 Helmut Newton 是個創作性的視覺天才,經常拍攝裸體女性的他被 Susan Sontag 標籤為厭女主義者;但 Isabella Roseellini 卻稱他為煽動者,為時裝與攝影之間帶來爭議與討論的空間。

Helmut Newton 以「性」為題詮釋出自己對於女性裸體的執著和審美,也開創了黑白攝影的強烈視覺衝擊和張力,拍下無數個舉足輕重的時尚攝影。Gero von Boehm 面對眾多聲音的時候,選擇以模特兒的真實對話展示對 Helmut Newton 的尊重,而 Charlotte Rampling、Catherine Deneuve、Isabella Rossellini 和 Grace Jones 也紛紛接受訪問回憶當初合作的過程和難忘的經歷。

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Yang Fudong’s black-and-white photography is inspired by French film noir and even earlier films from Shanghai, made during a time when the Chinese port city was still very much inspired by the West. With his melancholic nudes he seems to conjure up a timeless past; in his films, as well, we encounter comparably reduced and enigmatic narratives. To show nudity so openly is still considered provocative in large parts of Chinese society. In his series New Women, one or more nude women sit or stand in a sparsely but luxuriously equipped studio set. The photographs seem like stills of the video film that he produced at the same time. Yang Fudong, New Woman III, 2013, Copyright Yang Fudong, Courtesy: Sammlung Wemhöner @sammlungwemhoener Censored to meet Instagram community standards. #Helmutnewtonfoundation #yangfudong #filmnoir #bodyperformance #museumberlin #baw #blackandwhite #photocollection #photolover #newwoman #photographers #sammlungwemhöner #welovephotography #berlincharlottenburg

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Gero von Boehm 到了影片中斷才開始介紹 Helmut Newton 的美學起源,出身於德國的他被 Leni Riefenstahl 攝影所啟發,隨後也曾當過戲劇攝影師 Madame Yva 的學徒。在1960年代的時候,Helmut Newton 為《VOGUE》拍攝過攝人心魄的時裝照片,將時裝注入情慾的獨特風格奠定了德高望重的攝影大師地位。

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One relatively unknown work by Helmut Newton is the series of images he made of the dancers of the Monte Carlo Ballet. Taken over many years, the photos were intended for print in the theater’s program booklets and special publications, and Newton only had a few of the motifs enlarged for inclusion in his own exhibitions. His series is the starting point and core of this group show. Slipping into the role of a theater director, he accompanied the dancers on the streets of Monaco, on the steps behind the famous casino, near an emergency exit of the theater, or in the nude at his own home. With  Les Ballets de Monte Carlo, he therefore reinterpreted a compositional idea that came to define his work – Naked and Dressed. Censored to meet Instagram community standards. ? Helmut Newton, Ballet de Monte Carlo, 1992 © Helmut Newton Estate. #helmutnewtonfoundation #helmutnewton #photocollection #dressedandnaked #photoexhibition #fashionphotography #blackandwhite #baw #artcollectors #welovecharlottenburg #fashion #nude #bodyperformance

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