第66屆格林美頒獎禮在今早7點開始,作為全球焦點,歌手、音樂製作人等悉數盛裝出席,紅地毯造型必然是最值得期待的,頒獎禮上歌手獲獎、舞台表演的時刻也成為大家的話題。今次雖然官方平台因錯誤發布Nicki Minaj與Ice Spice的「Barbie World」贏得「Best Rap Song/最佳說唱歌曲」獎項鬧出烏龍風波,其他時間的氛圍都是隆重又輕鬆。一起查看今屆格林美獎的最佳時刻:
#1 Dua Lipa 演唱未發行單曲《Training Season》和主打新單曲《Houdini》拉開頒獎禮序幕
作為開場,Dua Lipa 現場表演了她即將在2月15日發布的單曲《Training Season》,在性感熱舞中演唱了最新單曲《Houdini》,這是繼 2020 年獲得格林美獎唱片《Future Nostalgia》之後推出的兩首單曲,如今搶先在頒獎禮帶來現場演出。
Dua Lipa憑藉《Dance the Night》也在今年的頒獎典禮上獲得了兩項提名:年度歌曲和最佳視覺媒體歌曲。

English singer-songwriter Dua Lipa performs on stage during the 66th Annual Grammy Awards at the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles on February 4, 2024. (Photo by Valerie Macon / AFP) (Photo by VALERIE MACON/AFP via Getty Images)
#2 Taylor Swift 四奪年度專輯獎,更宣布發行新專輯《Tortured Poets Department》
Taylor Swift憑《Midnights》獲得第 13 個最佳流行演唱專輯獎之後,同時也宣布了今年的新專輯消息。她的第 11 張錄音室專輯《The Tortured Poets Department》將於 4 月 19 日發行。
「我知道學院的投票方式是歌迷們的直接反映,因此,我想告訴你們一個過去兩年來我一直瞞著你們的秘密,以表達我的謝意。」她表示,「愛情和詩歌是公平的。獻上我誠摯的,Tortured Poets Department。」隨後Taylor Swift在社交媒體上發放預告,性感的專輯封面公開,共收錄16首歌曲,4月19日正式發行。
All’s fair in love and poetry… New album THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT. Out April 19 🤍https://t.co/WdrCmvLHyA
📷: Beth Garrabrant pic.twitter.com/CCPhmSZ2UD
— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) February 5, 2024

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 04: Taylor Swift accepts the Best Pop Vocal Album award for “Midnights” onstage during the 66th GRAMMY Awards at Crypto.com Arena on February 04, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for The Recording Academy)
隨後,她還從天后Celine Dion手中拿到「Album of the Year/年度專輯」獎,成為格林美史上首位四次奪得「年度專輯」的歌手,亦是她生涯中第14座金留聲機獎座,可喜可賀!

Taylor Swift accepts the Album Of The Year award for "Midnights" on stage with Celine Dion at the 66th Annual GRAMMY Awards held at Crypto.com Arena on February 4, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Christopher Polk/Billboard via Getty Images)
#3 SZA獲得最多9 項提名,現場表演《Snooze》、《Kill Bill》
以9 項提名成為2024 年格林美獎提名最多的歌手,SZA 在演出時已經贏得了兩項格林美獎:《SOS》獲最佳進步 R&B 專輯獎和《Ghost In The Machine》獲最佳流行雙人/組合表演獎。她在現場演唱了得獎歌曲《SOS》,以及《Kill Bill》。
在邋遢的小巷和燃燒的垃圾箱的背景下,SZA 身穿黑色皮衣,頭戴寬邊帽登台。 以《Snooze》開場,然後再到《Kill Bill》。 持劍舞者為她伴舞,她在血紅色的燈光下吟唱著復仇幻想的歌詞。
《SOS》登上Billboard 200 大專輯榜首並連續十週蟬聯榜首,這是20 世紀20 年代女性專輯登上榜首周數最多的一次, 也是自2015-2016 年Adele的《25》專輯以來登上榜首週數最多的一次。《Kill Bill》為 SZA 贏得了她在Billboard Hot 100榜單上的首個冠軍。而SZA也在一年時間完成了自己的首次舞台巡迴演唱會。

US singer SZA performs on stage during the 66th Annual Grammy Awards at the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles on February 4, 2024. (Photo by Valerie Macon / AFP) (Photo by VALERIE MACON/AFP via Getty Images)
#4 Olivia Rodrigo 紅裙造型演唱《Vampire》
Olivia Rodrigo從紅地毯上以一錫優雅的Versace古著白裙亮相後,她換上紅色深V絲綢禮裙走上舞台演唱大熱主打《Vampire》。在第一段副歌之後,Rodrigo的手臂和舞台上鮮花簇擁的背景上開始流出(假)鮮血,在歌曲緊張的結尾部分,歌手的臉和胸口被染紅⋯⋯強烈戲劇性令人震撼。
《Vampire》獲得了2024 年格林美獎的三項提名:年度最佳唱片、年度最佳歌曲和最佳流行獨唱,而《GUTS》則同時獲得了年度最佳專輯和最佳流行演唱專輯的提名,另外一首插曲《ballad of a homeschooled girl》也讓Olivia Rodrigo有史以來第一次在搖滾類獎項(最佳搖滾歌曲)中獲得提名。

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 04: Olivia Rodrigo performs onstage during the 66th GRAMMY Awards at Crypto.com Arena on February 04, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Johnny Nunez/Getty Images for The Recording Academy)
#5 Billie Eilish 憑《What Was I Made For?》獲獎及帶來現場表演
Billie Eilish 的《What Was I Made For?》贏得格林美「Best Song Written for Visual Media/最佳影視作品歌曲」、「Song of the Year/年度歌曲」獎項,她更在舞台上表演了這首獲獎歌曲。舞台上,Billie Eilish 穿了一件芭比娃娃風格的斜紋軟呢大衣,戴著粉紅色頭巾和貓眼太陽眼鏡,她的哥哥Finneas也在現場為她鋼琴伴奏,

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 04: (L-R) FINNEAS and Billie Eilish perform onstage during the 66th GRAMMY Awards at Crypto.com Arena on February 04, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for The Recording Academy)

US singer-songwriter Billie Eilish (R) and US singer-songwriter Finneas O'Connell (L) accept the Song Of The Year award for "What Was I Made For?" from US singer Lionel Ritchie on stage during the 66th Annual Grammy Awards at the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles on February 4, 2024. (Photo by Valerie Macon / AFP) (Photo by VALERIE MACON/AFP via Getty Images)
#6 Miley Cyrus 亮相舞台表演《Flowers》並首獲格林美獎座
「我剛開始想哭,但轉念一想,我剛剛贏得了我的第一個格林美獎!」恭喜Miley Cyrus憑藉《Flowers》贏得「Best Pop Solo Performance/最佳流行歌手」獎,更從天后Mariah Carey手中接過獎座,在8次提名格林美後,終於拿到她首個格林美獎。她更是今年頒獎禮上的表演嘉賓,隨後她更榮獲得第二座格林美獎——「Record of the Year / 年度製作」獎!

US singer-songwriter Miley Cyrus performs on stage during the 66th Annual Grammy Awards at the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles on February 4, 2024. (Photo by Valerie Macon / AFP) (Photo by VALERIE MACON/AFP via Getty Images)

US singer-songwriter Miley Cyrus (R) accepts the Best Pop Solo Performance award for "Flowers" from US singer-songwriter Mariah Carey on stage during the 66th Annual Grammy Awards at the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles on February 4, 2024. (Photo by Valerie Macon / AFP) (Photo by VALERIE MACON/AFP via Getty Images)
#7 民謠天后Joni Mitchelle獲得第10座格林美獎座
80歲的傳奇民謠歌手Joni Mitchell憑藉《Joni Mitchell At Newport(Live)》現場專輯贏得「Best Folk Album/最佳民謠專輯」,代表她斬獲職業生涯第10座格林美獎座。她更在現場表演1969年經典代表作《Both Sides, Now》。

Canadian singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell accepts the "Best Folk Album" award for "Joni Mitchell At Newport [Live]" with US singer-songwriter Brandi Carlile onstage during the 66th Annual Grammy Awards pre-telecast show at the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles on February 4, 2024. (Photo by VALERIE MACON / AFP) (Photo by VALERIE MACON/AFP via Getty Images)

Canadian-US singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell (C) and US singer-songwriter Brandi Carlile (R) perform on stage during the 66th Annual Grammy Awards at the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles on February 4, 2024. (Photo by Valerie Macon / AFP) (Photo by VALERIE MACON/AFP via Getty Images)
穿上Louis Vuitton的天后Beyonce和丈夫Jay-Z低調現身頒獎禮、Lana Del Rey、Jack Antonoff、 Kylie Minogue 和獲得首個格林美獎的 Carol G、Troye Sivan 亦在現場,成為鏡頭捕捉的焦點。

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 04: (L-R) Beyoncé and Jay-Z attend the 66th GRAMMY Awards at Crypto.com Arena on February 04, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for The Recording Academy)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 04: (L-R) Celine Dion and Taylor Swift attend the 66th GRAMMY Awards at Crypto.com Arena on February 04, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for The Recording Academy)

US singer-songwriter Miley Cyrus celebrates winning the Record Of The Year award for "Flowers" during the 66th Annual Grammy Awards at the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles on February 4, 2024. (Photo by Valerie Macon / AFP) (Photo by VALERIE MACON/AFP via Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 04: (L-R) Lana Del Rey, Taylor Swift and Jack Antonoff attend the 66th GRAMMY Awards on February 04, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by John Shearer/Getty Images for The Recording Academy)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 04: (L-R) Kylie Minogue and Carol G attend the 66th GRAMMY Awards at Crypto.com Arena on February 04, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Johnny Nunez/Getty Images for The Recording Academy)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 04: (L-R) Billie Eilish and Dua Lipa attend the 66th GRAMMY Awards at Crypto.com Arena on February 04, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for The Recording Academy)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 04: (L-R) Billie Eilish, Dua Lipa, Troye Sivan and FINNEAS attend the 66th GRAMMY Awards at Crypto.com Arena on February 04, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for The Recording Academy)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 04: Billie Eilish and Olivia Rodrigo attend the 66th GRAMMY Awards at Crypto.com Arena on February 04, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Monica Schipper/Getty Images for The Recording Academy)
Hiu Kwan Fung