DC Studios 自經歷大型內部變動後,許多原本在計畫中的作品都被調整。而原本在計畫中沒有被提及的《神力女超人》第3部,如今也終於得到 Gal Gadot 親口證實,看來拍攝日程指日可待。

早前在宣傳新電影《Heart Of Stone》接受採訪時,Gal Gadot暗示從新老闆James Gunn 和Peter Safran哪裏聽到了關於共同開發《神力女超人》第3部的消息——


17 June 2023, Brazil, Sao Paulo: Gal Gadot, Israeli model and actress, is on stage at the global Netflix fan event "Tudum." After two years as a virtual event, "Tudum" brought thousands of fans together on location and could be streamed worldwide. The gathering is named after the sound that is heard before the start of a series on Netflix. Photo: Tuane Fernandes/dpa (Photo by Tuane Fernandes/picture alliance via Getty Images)

17 June 2023, Brazil, Sao Paulo: Gal Gadot, Israeli model and actress, is on stage at the global Netflix fan event "Tudum." After two years as a virtual event, "Tudum" brought thousands of fans together on location and could be streamed worldwide. The gathering is named after the sound that is heard before the start of a series on Netflix. Photo: Tuane Fernandes/dpa (Photo by Tuane Fernandes/picture alliance via Getty Images)

2017年上映的《神力女超人 Wonder Woman》是首部女英雄主題,也鑄就了新一代螢幕女神Gal Gadot,上任導演Patty Jenkins曾透露或許將以三部曲完結她的故事,隨後第二部《Wonder Woman 1984》也在2020年上映,劇集方面卻獨立成章,沒有續接上一部。而在DC影業的高層大換血之後,傳聞《神力女超人》第三部也被腰斬。如今從Gal Gadot口中親口證實第3部的消息,實在讓人興奮不已!