Frida Kahlo(1907-1954)出身藝術世家,一字眉、豔麗頭飾,以自畫像聞名,稱得上是20世紀最具影響力的墨西哥女藝術家之一,更是首位被羅浮宮收藏畫作的墨西哥藝術家。她的故事還被製作成紀錄片,一生離不開病魔及傷痛,小時候就患有小兒痲痺症,不料18歲遇車禍重傷。正是車禍治療期間,她放棄了醫學系的學業,開始在病床上拾起畫筆創作。

後來結婚,丈夫 Diego Rivera 的藝壇人脈令她曝光率增加,但是卻遇上丈夫與她自己妹妹有染的情況。絕不妥協的她,為報復 Diego的不忠,自己也展開了婚外戀愛,男女也愛。這種種不幸,反而造就了 Frida 努力活下去的頑強鬥志,還成為後來的女性主義先鋒。這種頑強的生命力,在她的畫作中可以看到——鮮豔的用色,加入大自然的活力,不時的超現實題材等,無不披露着充滿傷痛卻努力活下去的內心世界。47年的短暫人生她畫下143 幅畫,其中55張是自畫像。

Frida Kahlo painting one now, and she is doing a mural for the San Francisco Stock Exchange, with one of her portraits of a San Francisco society woman.

Frida Kahlo painting one now, and she is doing a mural for the San Francisco Stock Exchange, with one of her portraits of a San Francisco society woman.

circa 1945: Married Mexican artists Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo (1907 - 1954) read and work in a studio. Kahlo's self-portrait, 'The Two Fridas' (1939), hangs in the background with other works.
(Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

circa 1945: Married Mexican artists Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo (1907 - 1954) read and work in a studio. Kahlo's self-portrait, 'The Two Fridas' (1939), hangs in the background with other works.

(Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

她藝術風格的影響還延伸到時裝上,Victoria and Albert 英國博物館就在 2018舉辦過她的服飾展覽,她的服裝充滿墨西哥的文化氣息。例如 Alberta Ferretti 2014年的春季系列就以 Frida Kahlo 為靈感;Valentino 2015 春季系列則用上 Frida Kahlo 的大自然花卉元素,就連髮型也相似。

Alberta Ferretti 2014 Spring Ready-to-wear
Alberta Ferretti 2014 Spring Ready-to-wear
Alberta Ferretti 2014 Spring Ready-to-wear
Valentino 2015 Spring Resort
Valentino 2015 Spring Resort
Valentino 2015 Spring Resort
Alberta Ferretti 2014 Spring Ready-to-wear
Alberta Ferretti 2014 Spring Ready-to-wear
Alberta Ferretti 2014 Spring Ready-to-wear
Valentino 2015 Spring Resort
Valentino 2015 Spring Resort
Valentino 2015 Spring Resort
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The Two Fridas,1939

The Broken Column,1944

Frida Kahlo The Broken Column 1944 Museo Dolores Olmedo Patino Mexico (Mexico City, Mexico)
© Banco de México and INBAL Mexico, 2004

Frida Kahlo The Broken Column 1944 Museo Dolores Olmedo Patino Mexico (Mexico City, Mexico)

© Banco de México and INBAL Mexico, 2004

The Wounded Deer,1946

The Wounded Deer
Courtesy of

The Wounded Deer

Courtesy of

Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird,1940

Frida Kahlo 金句:

我畫自畫像,是因為我最了解自己。(Me pinto a mímisma porque soy a quien mejor conozco.)

隨著每一聲滴答,生命一秒一秒地過去,消逝的時光再不會重來。然而你可以從生命中挖掘出多少豐富的內容和快樂,則完全取決於你是否懂得怎麼過好每一刻。(Cada tictac esun segundo de la vida que pasa, huye, y no se repite. Y hay en ella tantaintensidad, tanto interés, que el problema es sólo saberla vivir.)

美麗和醜陋是一對鏡中幻影,他人總是能看到我們的內在。(La belleza y lafealdad son un espejismo, porque los demás terminan viendo siempre nuestrointerior.)

在一天結束的時候,我們比自己想像的還能忍耐更多。(Al final del día,podemos aguantar mucho más de lo que pensamos que podemos.)

一切都可以有美蕴藏其中,即使是最可怕的東西也不例外。(Todo puedetener belleza, aun lo más horrible.)