David Lynch逝世,享年78歲。他的家人在其社交媒體上公佈這一消息,「我們懷著深深的遺憾,宣布我們的家人、藝術家David Lynch的去世。這段時間我們希望能獲得一些隱私。現在的世界因為他的離去而留下了一個巨大的空洞。但正如他所說的:『要把注意力放在甜甜圈上,而不是那個洞上。』今天是個美麗的日子,陽光燦爛,天空湛藍。」1月20日本是他迎來79歲生日的日子,他的家人邀請大家在這一天太平洋標準時區中午12點,共同參加為期10分鐘的全球集體冥想。 「無論我們身在何處,讓我們一起聚集,通過傳播和平與愛來紀念他的遺產。請利用這段時間來冥想、反思,並向宇宙傳遞正能量。 感謝你們成為這場慶祝他生命的活動的一部分。」
多位曾合作的影壇名人紛紛表達了他們對這位鬼才導演離世的哀悼,Steven Spielberg說:「我在《The Fabelmans》中認識了飾演John Ford的David。他是我心目中的英雄之一——David Lync飾演了我心目中的另一位英雄。這太超現實了,彷彿是David自己電影中的一幕。世界將失去如此原創且獨特的聲音。他的電影已經經受住了時間的考驗,並將永遠如此。」影史經典《Mulholland Drive》主演Naomi Watts發文說:「影響我的不只是他的藝術,他的智慧、幽默和愛讓我對自己產生前所未有的特殊信念。我們在一起的每一刻,我都強烈感覺到一種我從未見過或甚少了解過的存在。也許是因為,是的,他似乎生活在一個不同的世界裡,我為自己能成為其中的一小部分而感到無比幸運。David透過他精湛的敘事技巧,邀請所有人窺探這個世界,讓電影獲得了提升,激勵了全球一代又一代的電影人。」
1. “Every idea that you fall in love with is a gift. How the ideas come is the trick.”
2.”Keep your eye on the doughnut, not on the hole.”
3.”I say negativity is the enemy of creativity. For instance if you’re filled with depression, you can hardly even get out of bed, let alone feel like creating something. If you are filled with bitter, selfish anger, this occupies the mind and leaves little room for creative ideas. It’s like we have a conduit that ideas flow through. Negativity squeezes this conduit. When we transcend we are diving into a field of unbounded creativity. This is real creativity and when we experience that and grow in that, we can more easily find solutions to problems. We can get ideas for whatever it is we’re working on. And we will get happier by transcending every day and we will find that we’re happier doing almost anything. We’ll get more energy to do our work.”
4.”In a way failure is a beautiful thing, because when the dust settles there’s nowhere to go but up, and it’s a freedom. You can’t lose more, but you can gain.”

ROME, ITALY - NOVEMBER 04: (EDITORS NOTE: This image has been converted in black and white) David Lynch walks the red carpet during the 12th Rome Film Fest at Auditorium Parco Della Musica on November 4, 2017 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images)
5.”Desiring an idea is like bait on a hook. You can pull them in. If you catch an idea that you love, that’s a beautiful day, and you write it down. That idea might just be a fragment of the whole, but now you have even more bait. Thinking about that small fragment, that little fish will bring in more. Pretty soon you may have a script.”
6.”Even in the so-called dark things, there’s a beauty. It can be foreboding, but there is also something else in there that’s bigger. It’s truthful.”
7. “Absurdity is what I like most in life, and there’s humor in struggling in ignorance. If you saw a man repeatedly running into a wall until he was a bloody pulp, after a while it would make you laugh because it becomes absurd.”
8. “Be true to yourself. Find your own voice and be true to that voice. Never take a bad idea, but never turn down a good idea. And, of course, have final cut.”
「忠於自己。找到自己的聲音,並忠於那個聲音。永遠不要接受壞主意,但也永遠不要拒絕好主意。當然,最終剪輯權在你手中。 」
9. “Ideas are like fish. If you want to catch little fish, you can stay in the shallow water. But if you want to catch the big fish, you’ve got to go deeper. Down deep, the fish are more powerful and more pure. They’re huge and abstract. And they’re very beautiful.”
10. “I believe life is a continuum, and that no one really dies, they just drop their physical body and we’ll all meet again, like the song says. It’s sad but it’s not devastating if you think like that. Otherwise I don’t see how anybody could ever, once they see someone die, that they’d just disappear forever and that’s what we’re all bound to do. I’m sorry but it just doesn’t make any sense, it’s a continuum, and we’re all going to be fine at the end of the story.”
Hiu Kwan Fung