也許在許多人眼中,芭比不過是兒時玩偶,但創造芭比的Ruth Handler認為:「芭比總是代表着女性有選擇的事實。」(Barbie always represented the fact that a woman had choices.)以及她的理念是「通過芭比娃娃,小女孩可以成為她想成為的任何人。」(My whole philosophy was that through the doll, a little girl could be anything she wanted to be.)這反映了芭比娃娃不僅僅是女性形象的縮影,她的背後其實蘊藏著真正的女性主義思想,又正如《Barbie芭比》這部電影中無處不在的宣傳語:「她是全世界,而他只是肯尼。」(She’s everything. He’s just Ken.) 如今,通過導演Greta Gerwig的鏡頭,這部電影重新定義了我們這個時代的芭比,摒棄過去符號化的形象,再一次成為女性的偶像——她可以成為任何模樣。

Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures



「因為芭比娃娃可以是任何樣子,女人也可以是任何樣子。」(“Because Barbie can be anything, women can be anything.”)


「芭比改變了一切。 然後她又改變了一切」(“Barbie changed everything. And then she changed everything again.”)


「現在選擇權就在你手中」(“The choice is now yours.” )


「你可以回到正常的生活,忘記這一切。或者,你可以了解宇宙的真相。」(“You can go back to your regular life, and forget any of this ever happened. Or you can know the truth about the universe.”)


「我沒有陰道,他也沒有陰莖。 我們沒有生殖器。」(“I do not have a vagina and he does not have a penis. We have no genitals.” )


「基本上,男人在你們的世界裡做的一切,女人在我們的世界裡都會做。」(“Basically, everything that men do in your world, women do in ours.” )


Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures


「我想做的是想像,而不是想法。」(“I want to do the imagining, not be the idea.”)


「現實世界和我想像的不一樣」(“The real world’s not what I thought it was.”)


「在這裡,我只是個普通人,這就夠了」(“Here I’m just a dude and that’s enough.”)


「你很美麗」(“You’re so beautiful.”)


Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures


「你要積極找尋自我,即便沒有我在身旁」(“You have to figure out who you are without me.”)


「我是一個沒有權力的男人,難道我就成了女人?」(“I’m a man with no power, does that make me a woman?” )


「她沒死,只是遇到了生存危機」(“She’s not dead, she’s just having an existential crisis.” )


「我以前很完美」(“I was perfect before.”)


「這就是生活,一切都變了」(“That’s life. It’s all changed.” )


Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures


「人類只有一個結局,但思想永存」(“Humans only have one ending. Ideas live forever.”)


「每個人都討厭女人。男人討厭女人,女人也討厭男人。這是我們唯一能達成共識的事情。」(“Everyone hates women. Men hate women and women hate women. It’s the one thing we can agree on.” )


「自從你被發明出來,就一直在讓女人自怨自艾」(“You’ve been making women feel bad about themselves since you were invented.”


「男人看我就像看一件物品,女孩討厭我」(“Men look at me like I’m an object, girls hate me.” )


「一旦我意識到父權制與馬無關,我就失去了興趣。」(“Once I realized the patriarchy wasn’t about horses, I kind of lost interest.” )


「我們只是現在藏得更好了」(“We just hide it better now.”)


Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures


「做女人簡直是不可能的。你是如此美麗,如此聰明,但你卻認為自己不夠好,這讓我很痛苦。就像,我們必須永遠超凡脫俗,但不知何故,我們總是做錯了。」(“It is literally impossible to be a woman. You are so beautiful, and so smart, and it kills me that you don’t think you’re good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we’re always doing it wrong.”)


「你必須永遠不老、永遠不粗魯、永遠不炫耀、永遠不自私、永遠不跌倒、永遠不失敗、永遠不表現出恐懼、永遠不出格。這太難了!這太矛盾了,而且沒有人會給你獎章或說聲謝謝!而事實證明,你不僅做錯了一切,而且一切都是你的錯。」(“You have to never get old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never fall down, never fail, never show fear, never get out of line. It’s too hard! It’s too contradictory and nobody gives you a medal or says thank you! And it turns out in fact that not only are you doing everything wrong, but also everything is your fault.”)


「現實世界並不完美,但你激勵了我。」(“The real world is not perfect, but you inspire me.”)


「我想成為創造意義的人的一部分,而不是創造意義的東西的一部分。」(“I want to be a part of the people that make meaning, not the thing that is made.”)

Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures