Over the years, I have come to understand that leather goods brands with high brand values do not immediately mean their products are of better quality and craftsmanship. The price of a bag or SLG (small leather goods) is not always directly proportional to its quality either. If you do your research well, you would be able to find inexpensive pieces that are not only well-made, but are also unique. That said, I happily did the work for you and am sharing some of my gift picks for the holidays because ‘tis the season for giving (and receiving), and you will be pleased to know that none of them are priced above HK$3,000!

Polène Numero 10 Bag

Polène Numero 10 bag


This brand is currently one of the most popular independent brands on the internet and for good reason. Apart from their unbelievable price points, the bags are very well-made. The Numero 10 grained leather crescent-shaped bag is a standout in the collection. It is versatile as it comes with 2 straps of different lengths, and is roomy without being bulky. This is really a premium quality bag that does not break the bank.


Bally Stefy Phone and AirPod Case

Bally Stefy phone and AirPod case


There are many designer brand phone and AirPod cases, but this one by Bally stood out because it is not phone- specific. It can secure most smart phones with the special elastic clamps on each corner, so no hassle of taking your phone out of its pouch to take a call or to text someone. The phone case can be worn around the neck or clipped onto your bag too.

RSVP x Damien Poulain Passport Cover

RSVP x Damien Poulain Passport cover


International travel is picking up again after nearly 2 years of pandemic pause, and a passport cover makes for a great gift to jumpstart that wanderlust. Paris-based leather goods brand RSVP teamed up with artist Damien Poulain, known for integrating visually arresting geometric shapes into his work, to create a special collection of bags and SLGs. This graphic passport cover with 3 card slots is made from premium box calf leather and marries function and craftsmanship  with art.

10.03.53 Mini Leather Briefcase

10.03.53 Mini leather briefcase


With lifestyles taking on a more minimalist approach, small bags continue to reign supreme. This mini leather briefcase by Paris-based Italian designer Luca Colosimo, is handcrafted using upcycled vegetable-tanned leather. This classic style hits all the right notes with its compact but roomy interior and different carrying possibilities.

Alkeme Atelier Water Flower Bucket Bag

Alkeme Atelier Water flower bucket bag


This striking bucket bag is the perfect picker-upper on a cold winter’s day or night. Made from Alkeme Atelier’s signature vegan fibre with a base of recycled materials, this bag is not just environmentally friendly, it is also water and scratch resistant. Best of all, this happy, low-maintenance bag is priced at just under HK$1,500.