第77屆金球獎以2020年首個最大型頒獎禮,為整年的年度盛事來開序幕。現在金球獎2020完滿落幕,除了先前的紅地毯最佳造型一覽外,今次的獎項得獎主戰況激烈,結果部份不出所料,部份卻是意料之外卻能讓人認同:今年最大贏家為《從前,有個荷里活》(Once Upon a Time in Hollywood),共獲「最佳男配角」(由Brad Pitt獲得)、「最佳劇本」及「最佳音樂劇/喜劇電影」三個獎項。而 Joaquin Phoenix 眾望所歸,以《JOKER小丑》獲封最佳劇情片男主角。另外,11:38 《別告訴她》(The Farewell)Awkwafina (Nora Lum)奪最佳音樂劇/喜劇電影女主角,新鮮出爐的這位影后成為首位獲得該獎項的亞裔女星。還有《1917》則獲最佳劇情片獎項、《王冠》(The Crown)Olivia Colman 獲得電視劇組最佳女主角、Elle Degeneres 獲頒電視類終身成就獎(Carol Burnett Award)等。

而頒獎禮過後,一眾明星明星們前往由Netflix、HBO和 Amazon 等公司主持的派對。現場同樣星光熠熠,一起來欣賞各明星的派對時尚造型:

Scarlett Johansson
Netflix 2020 Golden Globes After Party

Scarlett Johansson

Netflix 2020 Golden Globes After Party

Jennifer Aniston and Sandra Bullock
Netflix 2020 Golden Globes After Party

Jennifer Aniston and Sandra Bullock

Netflix 2020 Golden Globes After Party

Ted Sarandos and Scarlett Johansson
Netflix 2020 Golden Globes After Party

Ted Sarandos and Scarlett Johansson

Netflix 2020 Golden Globes After Party

Scarlett Johansson, Colin Jost and Billy Porter
Netflix 2020 Golden Globes After Party

Scarlett Johansson, Colin Jost and Billy Porter

Netflix 2020 Golden Globes After Party

Ellen DeGeneres, Portia de Rossi, Ted Sarandos, and Pharrell Williams
Netflix 2020 Golden Globes After Party

Ellen DeGeneres, Portia de Rossi, Ted Sarandos, and Pharrell Williams

Netflix 2020 Golden Globes After Party

Ellery Harper, Laura Dern, winner of Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture for "Marriage Story" and Jaya Harper
Amazon Studios Golden Globes After Party

Ellery Harper, Laura Dern, winner of Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture for "Marriage Story" and Jaya Harper

Amazon Studios Golden Globes After Party

Joey King
Netflix 2020 Golden Globes After Party

Joey King

Netflix 2020 Golden Globes After Party

Helen Mirren and Taylor Hackford
HBO's Official Golden Globes After Party

Helen Mirren and Taylor Hackford

HBO's Official Golden Globes After Party

Cynthia Erivo
HBO's Official Golden Globes After Party

Cynthia Erivo

HBO's Official Golden Globes After Party

Kaitlyn Dever
Netflix 2020 Golden Globes After Party

Kaitlyn Dever

Netflix 2020 Golden Globes After Party