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A post shared by La Biennale di Venezia (@labiennale)

事實上,早在威尼斯影展2021 開幕禮當天,憑《一個快樂的傳說》(La vita è bella)獲得奧斯卡影帝的Roberto Benigni 已經率先獲頒終身成就金獅獎;期後在影壇貢獻多年的 Jamie Lee Curtis 出席非競賽片《Halloween Kills》首映禮時,同樣獲得同一殊榮,身穿 Dolce & Gabbana 紅色晚禮裙的她盡顯光彩。

金獅獎可說是威尼斯電影節的最高榮譽,從 1949 年開始頒發,被認為是電影界最高榮譽之一,由該屆評審團自正式競賽單元中選出。1970 年開始另外頒發榮譽金獅獎,表揚對於電影有重要貢獻的工作者。值得一提的,是不金獅獎自 1949 年起便是采用獅子聖馬克(形象為有翅膀的獅子,同時出現在威尼斯共和國國旗上)。在金獅獎開始出現之前,1946 年至 1948 年影展頒發的最大獎為「威尼斯國際大獎」(Gran Premio Internazionale di Venezia);更早之前的 1936 年至 1942 年間,影展則分別頒發「墨索里尼獎」(Coppa Mussolini) 給最佳意大利電影與最佳外國電影,去年則由《Nomadland》導演趙婷獲得此殊榮。


黎巴嫩裔法籍導演 Audrey Diwan 所執導的墮胎主題電影《記憶無非徹底看透的一切》(L’Evénement)獲得最佳影片金獅獎,題材圍繞1960年代非法墮胎議題,女學生因墮胎引發生理和心理創傷的故事。值得一提的,這是繼去年趙婷以《游牧人生》獲獎後,連續兩年將最大獎頒給女導演。

另外,最佳導演銀獅獎則是頒給紐西蘭導演則是Jane Campion,她執導的電影為 The Power of the Dog》;Maggie Gyllenhaal 則獲劇本獎。

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 11: Director Audrey Diwan poses with the Golden Lion for "L’Evenement" at the awards winner photocall during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 11, 2021 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Elisabetta A. Villa/Getty Images)

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 11: Director Audrey Diwan poses with the Golden Lion for "L’Evenement" at the awards winner photocall during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 11, 2021 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Elisabetta A. Villa/Getty Images)

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 11: Director Jane Campion poses with the Silver Lion for Best Director for "The Power Of The Dog" at the awards winner photocall attends the awards winner photocall during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 11, 2021 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images)

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 11: Director Jane Campion poses with the Silver Lion for Best Director for "The Power Of The Dog" at the awards winner photocall attends the awards winner photocall during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 11, 2021 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images)

至於頒評審團大獎則由意大利名導Paolo Sorrentino 以半自傳電影《上帝之手》(Hand of God)獲得,片中21歲的帥氣 Filippo Scotti 更獲最佳新演員得主,前途無可限量。

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 11: Director Paolo Sorrentino and Filippo Scotti pose with the Silver Lion Grand Jury Prize and the Marcello Mastroianni Award for Best New Young Actor for "The Hand Of God" at the awards winner photocall during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 11, 2021 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images)

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 11: Director Paolo Sorrentino and Filippo Scotti pose with the Silver Lion Grand Jury Prize and the Marcello Mastroianni Award for Best New Young Actor for "The Hand Of God" at the awards winner photocall during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 11, 2021 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images)

早已獲得奧斯卡與康城影后的西班牙女演員 Penelope Cruz  與西班牙鬼才導演 Pedro Almodóvar 第 8 度合作的電影《Parallel Mothers》獲得最佳女主角,樂在台上多謝 Pedro Almodóvar :「你對真理的追尋每天都啟發我,你再度創造出魔法,我對於自己身處其中真的再感激與驕傲不過,我崇敬你。」

至於菲律賓演員 的John Arcilla 則以HBO出品的《On The Job: The Missing 8》獲頒是次影展影帝。

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 11: Penelope Cruz receives the Coppa Volpi for Best Actress for "Parallel Mothers" during the closing ceremony during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 11, 2021 in Venice, Italy (Photo by Primo Barol/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 11: Penelope Cruz receives the Coppa Volpi for Best Actress for "Parallel Mothers" during the closing ceremony during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 11, 2021 in Venice, Italy (Photo by Primo Barol/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 11: Director Erik Matti poses, on behalf of actor John Arcilla, with the Coppa Volpi for Best Actor for "On the Job: The Missing 8" at the awards winner photocall during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 11, 2021 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Marc Piasecki/Getty Images)

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 11: Director Erik Matti poses, on behalf of actor John Arcilla, with the Coppa Volpi for Best Actor for "On the Job: The Missing 8" at the awards winner photocall during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 11, 2021 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Marc Piasecki/Getty Images)



評審團大獎:《上帝之手》(Hand of God)

最佳導演銀獅獎:Jane Campion/《The Power Of The Dog》

最佳男演員:John Arcilla/《On the Job: The Missing 8》

最佳女演員:Penelope Cruz/《Parallel Mothers》

最佳劇本:Maggie Gyllenhaal/《The Lost Daughter》

評審團特別獎:《Il Buco》

最佳新演員:Filippo Scotti(Hand of God)

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