每個傳奇的人物背後都有一個鮮活的原型人物,1937年迪士尼公司發行的《Snow White》是迪士尼的開闢動畫天地的作品,更是美國電影史上第一部彩色動畫長片。白雪公主對不同年代人的童年都有著相同的意義,然而這位元老級迪士尼公主背後的原型是一位同樣優雅的女士——Marge Champion。

生於舞蹈家庭的Marge Champion直到晚年為止,一直擔任舞蹈老師,並為許多電視節目和電影排舞,更曾在1975年奪得艾美獎最佳編舞的獎項。她日前在洛杉磯逝世,享年101歲。

Marge Champion似乎注定要與迪士尼結緣,原名Marjorie Celeste Belcher 1919年出生在洛杉磯荷里活。她的父親是舞蹈和芭蕾舞老師Ernest Belcher,是Walt Disney的朋友,因此迪士尼創始人對她來說是 “Uncle Walt”。

迪士尼動畫團隊在製作《白雪公主和七個小矮人》時,他們在有聲舞台上研究了Marge的動作,以使角色更真實地移動。她本人曾回憶道 Uncle Walt來到她父親的舞蹈學校,為 《白雪公主》的女主角尋找模特兒。一位年輕的聲樂家Adriana Caselotti被選中為白雪公主的聲音。而自己從近300名舞者中脫穎而出,為迪斯尼角色賦予動感。

她穿著高跟鞋和高領連衣裙,有時還戴著頭盔來模仿白雪公主的髮型,在攝像機前跳著、轉著、擺著,攝像機用16mm的菲林記錄下她的動作。動畫師們使用名為 「旋轉鏡 」的技術,一幀一幀地追踪鏡頭,製作出了這部電影,並立即贏得了評論界和大眾的好評。

Marge Champion, circa 1940. (Photo by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/Michael Ochs Archive/Getty Images)

Marge Champion, circa 1940. (Photo by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/Michael Ochs Archive/Getty Images)

Gower Champion and Marge Champion dance in a scene from the film 'Give A Girl A Break', 1953. (Photo by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/Getty Images)

Gower Champion and Marge Champion dance in a scene from the film 'Give A Girl A Break', 1953. (Photo by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/Getty Images)

Marge and Gower Champion From the 1953 film Give a Girl a Break. (Photo by John Springer Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)

Marge and Gower Champion From the 1953 film Give a Girl a Break. (Photo by John Springer Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)

從14歲起,Marge Champion會每月與製作團隊一起工作一到兩天,為期兩年,在此期間,她每天的報酬為10美元。首映禮上,她匿名坐在陽台上,電影製作者希望白雪公主 「是一種幻覺」。除了是公主原型外,Marge Champion還曾穿上笨重的衣服,扮演笨拙的小矮人Dopey跳舞。

Marge 與初中同學Gower Champion於1947年結婚,同是舞蹈演員的他們作為搭檔帶來無數獲得好評的作品。《紐約先驅論壇報》曾評論Champion夫婦的表演就像「泡沫一樣輕盈,在編排上充滿想像力,在執行上無限細緻。最重要的是,他們年輕得很有活力」。兩人在多出百老匯音樂劇中共舞,直到晚年一直優雅得體,是業界中頗具知名度的舞蹈家。


LOS ANGELES - AUGUST 19: The original Snow White, actress Marge Champion (C) looks on as people dressed as the Seven Dwarfs pose for photos August 19, 2004 at the Great American Ink Animation Fine Art Gallery in Los Angeles. Marge Champion was on hand for the opening of the Snow White fine art exhibit at the gallery. (Photo by Dan Steinberg via Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES - AUGUST 19: The original Snow White, actress Marge Champion (C) looks on as people dressed as the Seven Dwarfs pose for photos August 19, 2004 at the Great American Ink Animation Fine Art Gallery in Los Angeles. Marge Champion was on hand for the opening of the Snow White fine art exhibit at the gallery. (Photo by Dan Steinberg via Getty Images)

Marge Champion其後成為3部迪士尼動畫角色的模特兒,分別是1940年《木偶奇遇記》的藍仙女(The Blue Fairy)、1940年《幻想曲》的Hyacinth Hippo及1941年《小飛象》的Mr. Stork。

根據她兒子Gregg Champion的敘述,Marge Champion逝世前仍然不放棄對舞蹈的熱愛,100歲生日時還在跳舞。希望大家記得白雪公主的同時,也可共同紀念這位傑出的藝術家。

Marge Champion, the famed dancer musical comedy star of such mgm films as Show Boat, in which she appeared with her then husband Gower champion. As a youngster she was studying ballet and became the model for Snow white in snow white and seven dwarfs. We are doing a classic hollywood on the actress in conjunction with the new dvd release of snow on blu–ray. Photographed at Hollywood Dance Center September 15, 2009. (Photo by Spencer Weiner/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

Marge Champion, the famed dancer musical comedy star of such mgm films as Show Boat, in which she appeared with her then husband Gower champion. As a youngster she was studying ballet and became the model for Snow white in snow white and seven dwarfs. We are doing a classic hollywood on the actress in conjunction with the new dvd release of snow on blu–ray. Photographed at Hollywood Dance Center September 15, 2009. (Photo by Spencer Weiner/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)