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Natura Safari: "White Tiger–Kindness" (2/3) – He was a man of character, a person of principle with many loving facets. A very respected karate teacher for some and a very kind friend for others but for me, he was someone who saw the potential in me. Supporting and helping me along the way. His words of encouragement will never be forgotten, he really did treat me like I was his own. Reynald Leboeuf, my beloved stepfather passed away recently. The past few months were very difficult for him as he was suffering from cancer. But no longer, he is now forever pain free. He will be sorely missed. R.I.P. – – #life #death #nature #flower #arrangement #art #design #inspiration #inspire.

A post shared by Raku Inoue 井上 羅来 ?TYO????MTL? (@reikan_creations) on

出生在日本東京的井上羅來 Raku Inoue ,9歲的時候搬到加拿大Montreal,從小到大都深受到東西文化的影響,因此摺紙藝術和塗鴉的文化更是從沒有沒有離開過自己。井上羅來 Raku Inoue 更是個充滿好奇心的藝術家,喜歡利用雕刻、繪畫、油畫還是攝影等等的媒介藝術展示自己的創作。

過去井上羅來 Raku Inoue 喜歡用軟陶、數碼攝影和後期製造為設計,而如今則大部分受到大自然的啟發,以大自然的原材來創作藝術,甚至以大自然為靈感。譬如《Natura Insects》則獲得巨大的迴響,藝術家井上羅來 Raku Inoue 以真實花卉葉子拼湊出蜻蜓、蝴蝶、甲蟲等昆蟲。然而像他一樣的平面設計師來說,用電腦製作是件方便快捷的事情,卻促使井上羅來 Raku Inoue 走向極端的想法:為甚麼不用真正的鮮花和葉子重建出混蟲的形狀,再拍攝為平面創作?

曾經做為平面設計師的井上羅來 Raku Inoue,一度對重複性的圖騰設計著迷,當時都會利用設計軟件為工具,如今重拾對圖騰的熱愛,以9個時裝品牌的logo 為靈感,拼湊出時下最為流行的潮流 monogram 設計,每個 pattern 仔細看,都由精緻的植物、花卉所打造,如幻似真的效果讓人辨認真偽,同時立體視覺效果化為平面,讓人眼前一亮。

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